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Everything You Need To Know About Upgrading Your Home with a New Water Heater

As a homeowner, you might encounter various challenges related to maintaining your home’s comfort and functionality. One such crucial aspect is ensuring a consistent supply of hot water, which largely depends on the efficiency of your water heater. 


If you have been experiencing issues with your current water heater or if it’s over a decade old, consider replacing it. Upgrading your home with a new water heater is a significant investment that can improve your home’s comfort, increase energy efficiency, and prevent significant future expenses. We’ll discuss all the aspects of this process to help you get a clear picture of what it entails.  

Water Heater Types and Models

Understanding the signs that point to the end of the operating life of your existing water heaters is the first crucial step toward making an upgrade. These signs could include frequent breakdowns, inconsistent hot water supply, increased energy bills, or the age of your current water heater. 

If your water heater is over a decade old, it may not function as efficiently as newer models, leading to increased energy usage and higher utility bills. Moreover, an older water heater may struggle to provide a consistent hot water supply causing inconvenience and discomfort.

Once you’ve identified the need for a new water heater, the next step is to search the market and familiarize yourself with the different water heater types and models available.

Conventional Storage Water Heaters

You probably have one of these in your home already, as they are the most commonly used ones. They feature an insulated tank where the water is heated and stored. Over the years, these models have seen significant improvements in terms of insulation to reduce standby heat loss.

Tankless or Demand-Type Water Heaters

Unlike conventional models, tankless water heaters can heat water directly, skipping the requirements for a storage tank. Providing hot water on demand makes them quite popular as a very energy-efficient choice, heating water only when it is required for use.

Heat Pump Water Heaters

Also known as hybrid water heaters, they work by transferring heat generated from electricity immediately as you turn the system on. This makes them highly energy efficient as there is no need to store pre-heated water or spend time waiting.

Solar Water Heaters

While the upfront cost is somewhat high, they greatly reduce energy costs in the long term, making them a worthwhile investment, especially in areas with abundant sunshine.

Indirect Water Heaters/Tankless Coil Water Heaters

These rely on your home’s internal heating systems. While they can be energy efficient, they are most effective in homes with a boiler as their main source of heat.

Selecting the Right Water Heater

Choosing the right water heater for your home involves several factors, like your household size, hot water demand, available fuel types, energy efficiency ratings, and budget. Let’s see what they entail: :

Household Size and Hot Water Demand

Your household size and hot water demand play a crucial role in deciding the capacity of your new water heater. For instance, a large family with multiple bathrooms would require a water heater with a higher capacity compared to a smaller household.

Fuel Type

The fuel type can significantly impact the operation cost of your water heater. You need to evaluate the availability and cost of these fuels in your area to decide which one is the most suitable for your needs.

Energy Efficiency

An energy-efficient water heater directly results in significant energy bill savings and contributes to environmental sustainability. When selecting a new water heater, you should look for a high EF rating indicating the unit’s efficiency, taking into account how much hot water the system produces per unit of fuel.

Cost Considerations

The upfront cost is a significant factor, but it is far from the only one, as you should also consider all the long-term operating costs. An energy-efficient model might have a higher upfront cost but can save you money in the long run through lower energy bills.

The Water Heater Installation Process

The process of installing a new water heater involves several steps, from assessing your current water heater’s condition to testing the new unit after installation. Here’s a step-by-step guide to what the installation process entails:


  1. Assessment and Planning: The first step involves an assessment of the state of your existing water heater and the space you have at your disposal. It will help determine if you need to do further modifications to accommodate the installation of a new water heater. 
  2. Selecting the Right Unit: Based on the assessment, you can select a water heater that perfectly suits your water demands and the size of your home. You should also take into account the impact of factors such as energy efficiency ratings and the type of fuel used. 
  3. Preparation: Before installing the new water heater, you must turn off all utilities,  such as electricity or gas, attached to the existing water heater. You should also drain the old unit so that no water spills as you remove it.
  4. Removal: Disconnect your old water heater from any adjoined utilities and take it down. The old unit should be properly disposed of according to local regulations.
  5. Installation: The installation of a new water heater has to comply with the manufacturer’s guidelines. This may involve connecting pipes, setting up connections for electricity or gas, and making sure there is adequate and ample ventilation.
  6. Testing: Once the new water heater is installed, it should be turned on and checked for any leaks or issues. As it heats up water for the first time, keep a close eye on the process to see if everything works as expected.

The Gains of a New Water Heater

Introducing a new water heater to your household offers several distinct advantages, including:

  • Improved Energy Efficiency: The latest water heater models are all about energy efficiency. By using less energy, they help reduce your utility bills significantly, and contribute to environmental sustainability.
  • Enhanced Performance and Reliability: A new water heater can provide a consistent hot water supply. You’ll constantly have hot water while showering or doing your laundry.
  • Quick Heating and Recovery Time: Modern water heaters are equipped with advanced technologies that allow quick and efficient heating, providing immediate access to hot water. 
  • Space-Saving Design: Newer models are more compact and space-saving. This is very beneficial if you only have a small space designated for your water heater.
  • Extended Lifespan: With proper maintenance, a new water heater will easily last you for years. This can save you the headaches of frequent repairs and inevitable replacements, as well as reduce your overall costs.
  • Improved Safety Features: Newer models of water heaters come with advanced safety features, ensuring no accidents or potential water damage can happen. These features include temperature control, pressure relief valves, and automatic shut-off mechanisms.
  • Increased Home Value: Installing a new water heater directly affects the value of your home, raising its attractiveness in the eyes of potential buyers. This is a worthwhile investment that can provide both immediate and long-term benefits.

Water Heater Upgrades in Tucson, Arizona

Whether you choose a traditional storage water heater or a modern tankless model, the upgrade can lead to significant savings on your energy bills and provide you with a reliable source of hot water. Upgrading your home with a new water heater is a major undertaking and it comes with specific costs. However, the resulting increase in your household’s comfort and efficiency more than makes up for this.

Select the right unit and have professionals install it so you can revel in the perks of a new water heater for years to come. Reach out to Rootin Tootin Rooter and Plumbing today to ensure that an experienced, reliable professional is handling every water heater-related need. Contact us to get a free service quote!

Emergency Response: Dealing with Burst Pipes

TL;DR: Burst pipes can cause extensive damage to your home if not addressed quickly. Common causes include freezing temperatures, corrosion, and high water pressure. Signs of a burst pipe include water bill spikes, water spots, loss of water pressure, and strange noises. In the event of a burst pipe, shut off the water supply, drain faucets, and turn off electricity near the affected area. Afterward, assess and clean up the damage, but be sure to call professional plumbers like Rootin Tootin Rooter in Tucson, AZ, to fix the issue properly and prevent further damage.

When you own a home, you’re signing up for never-ending maintenance tasks, and among these, burst pipes present a particularly sneaky challenge. They often fly under the radar until the damage is too severe to ignore. Surprisingly, this issue isn’t rare. About 14,000 people in the US deal with burst pipes and the aftermath every year.

The damage from such an incident can lead to structural issues, mold growth, and ruined belongings, making quick action essential.

Responding swiftly to a burst pipe mitigates the potential for long-term damage to your home. Water can be incredibly destructive, seeping into the nooks and crannies of your house, weakening structures, and encouraging mold and mildew growth. All these require an emergency response. Dealing with burst pipes must be swift and immediate.

Immediately responding to a burst pipe reduces the risk of extensive damage. Quick action can stop the situation from escalating, potentially saving you thousands in repairs and restoration. Let’s see why knowing how to handle a burst pipe effectively is a crucial skill for homeowners.

Why Pipes Burst?

You probably don’t give much thought to the pipes hidden within your walls. Yet, when a pipe bursts, it suddenly becomes your only priority. Many factors contribute to this unfortunate event, but the most common culprits include freezing temperatures, corrosion due to age, and high water pressure.

Understanding these can help prevent future occurrences and foster a quicker emergency response. Dealing with burst pipes becomes less of a panic-inducing situation and more of a manageable task.

  • Freezing temperatures: During the winter, water inside your pipes can freeze. Freezing water expands, putting immense pressure on the pipes from the inside. This can crack or burst the pipes entirely, leading to significant water damage. But even the piper running through unheated areas of your home can freeze under specific conditions. Keeping your home adequately heated and insulating your pipes are good practices to prevent this issue.
  • Corrosion and age: Over time, pipes, especially those made from metal, can corrode due to chemical reactions between the water and the pipe material. This makes pipes weaker and more susceptible to developing leaks or bursting.
  • High water pressure: While strong water pressure might be pleasant for showers, it can strain your plumbing system. Sudden or constant high pressure can lead to failure in weak points along your plumbing system, resulting in a burst pipe. Installing a pressure regulator can help maintain your home’s safe water pressure level.

Recognizing the Signs of a Burst Pipe

A burst pipe isn’t always a dramatic event with water gushing out from under your kitchen sink. More often than not, the signs are subtle, and catching them early requires you to pay close attention to your home’s plumbing health. Some of the first indicators can be:

  • Unexplained water bill spikes: If your water usage habits stay the same, but you notice higher water bills, it might be time to inspect your pipes for leaks.
  • Water spots on walls or ceilings: These marks, often discolored spots or peeling paint, suggest water is accumulating in areas where it shouldn’t.
  • Loss of water pressure: If your shower starts feeling more like a drizzle than a downpour, the issue can be a burst pipe. If the change in pressure is sudden and affects more than one outlet, immediate action is necessary.
  • Sudden noises within plumbing: Sounds such as banging, whistling, or dripping indicate something isn’t right. These noises could mean water is escaping from a crack in the pipes.

Immediate Steps to Take

Discovering a burst pipe can ruin your entire day and all your plans. But don’t panic – you can take a few steps to prevent significant water damage. You must act fast and follow these instructions carefully. Your quick response could significantly reduce the extent of the damage to your home.

Shut Off the Water Supply

The main water valve is in the basement, garage, or front of the house. To turn the water supply off, rotate the valve clockwise until it stops moving. This action will halt water from flowing into your home, preventing further flooding. Knowing the exact location of your shut-off valve before an emergency arises is a smart preparation step, so if you’re unsure, now is a good time to locate it.

Drain the Faucets

After you’ve shut off the main water supply, open all cold water taps to drain the remaining water from the pipes. This step helps to relieve any built-up pressure inside the pipes, reducing the chance of additional pipe bursts. Once no more water comes out of the cold taps, do the same for the hot water taps. This process also helps empty the water heater, which is also under pressure.

Turn Off Electricity

If the burst pipe is near electrical appliances or outlets, immediately turn off the electricity at the main breaker. This can prevent electrical shocks. Before you handle the electrical panel or any appliances, dry your hands and stand on a dry surface.

Damage Control and Cleanup

Once you’ve identified the presence of a burst pipe, your next step is to examine the affected area. You need to understand how much damage the water has caused. This involves checking your furniture, electronics, and other items that might have gotten soaked. Water can cause floors to become slippery, seep into electrical appliances, and pose a risk of electric shock.

Moving on to the cleanup process, the first task on your list should be to remove any standing water. You can use buckets, towels, or a wet-dry vacuum if you have one. After removing the excess water, let the area dry out thoroughly. Use fans, dehumidifiers, and open windows to speed up drying.

While you do this, start assessing what items you can save. Some things need to be dried out, but others, particularly those made of porous materials, might be beyond saving if they absorb too much water. This part of the process requires patience and a careful hand, as rushing can lead to more damage or even harm to yourself.

Professional Plumbing Assistance

Homeowners must know what to do during a burst pipe emergency, but it’s essential that you also call a professional to help you fix the issue. Professionals have a wealth of experience and the tools to fix the burst pipe and check for other potential issues that could lead to future problems. Their expertise ensures that the repair is thorough and reduces the risk of the same issue happening again.

More than just fixing the pipe, they can help repair any damage caused by the water, preventing mold growth and structural damage that could put your home at risk. Hiring a professional plumber addresses the immediate problem and helps maintain your home’s safety and value.

Find Plumbing Experts in Tucson, AZ

If you have plumbing problems, you should know what to do as an emergency response. Dealing with burst pipes requires quick action and the work of professionals specializing in this area. When you notice a burst pipe, shutting off your water supply and calling for expert help are your best moves. This approach helps control the damage and sets the stage for a more efficient repair process.

If you live in Tucson, Arizona, Rootin Tootin Rooter is here to help you with your plumbing emergency and prevent burst pipes. Our team can come over and fix your burst pipes at any time of day. We will take care of the issue and restore water in your house as fast as possible.

If your pipes are giving you headaches, call today and have peace of mind tomorrow!

The Benefits of Chemical Drain Treatments in Tucson

TL;DR: Living in Tucson means dealing with unique plumbing challenges due to local water composition. Chemical drain treatments offer efficient solutions for issues like blockages and odors. They dissolve buildup without damaging pipes, making them ideal for Tucson’s hard water. Regular use prevents corrosion and extends plumbing life. Proper use is crucial, and calling professionals for persistent or severe issues is advisable. Professional treatments are cost-effective and ensure long-term plumbing health.


Living in Tucson, you’re no stranger to the peculiar challenges of maintaining your home’s plumbing system. Given the composition of the local water in Tucson and the kind of wear and tear typical for the area, drains can quickly become a problem. 

Blockages, slow drainage, and unpleasant odors can transform domestic bliss into a plumbing nightmare. However, chemical drain treatments make this process run a lot smoother. They’re an efficient method to tackle the most stubborn of drain issues.

Unlike mechanical methods, which sometimes leave behind residue or don’t resolve the root of the problem, chemical treatments work by dissolving the buildup that causes blockages so the pipes stay clear and functional. By incorporating these treatments into your home maintenance routine, you can enjoy the benefits of chemical drain treatments in Tucson and keep your plumbing running smoothly. 


So, let’s dive in and find out more!

What Are Chemical Drain Treatments?

You pour these products down a drain to clear clogs or maintain free-flowing pipes. They can be liquids, gels, or powders. They work by causing a chemical reaction that breaks down the blockage. Whether you’re dealing with hair, grease, food remnants, or something else, there’s a chemical solution to tackle the problem.

The three types of chemical drain treatments are:

  • Caustic Drain Cleaners. They contain substances like lye and caustic potash and create a chemical reaction that generates heat, which liquefies the grease or other blockage materials in your pipes. This method is effective but can be harsh on older or plastic piping, so you should use it carefully.
  • Oxidizing Drain Cleaners. Use either peroxides, nitrates, or bleach. These cleaners cause the organic material blocking your drain to lose electrons and oxidize, which breaks it down and clears the clog. They’re effective against organic blockages but require time to work effectively.
  • Acidic Drain Cleaners. They contain a lot of hydrochloric acid sulfuric acid and work by removing electrons from the blockage, effectively dissolving it. Due to their potency, acidic cleaners can quickly clear even the most stubborn blockages but can also cause significant damage to your plumbing if not used correctly.

The Benefits of Chemical Drain Treatments

In Tucson, with its naturally hard water, chemical drain treatments often edge out mechanical solutions for several reasons. They offer a blend of convenience and efficiency and can make a difference in maintaining your home’s plumbing system.

Dealing With Hard Water

This type of water has a lot of calcium, magnesium, and other minerals, which can accumulate and form stubborn deposits in your pipes. Chemical treatments can dissolve these mineral buildups, restoring water flow without the need for potentially damaging mechanical intervention.

Eliminating Bad Odors

If unpleasant odors emanate from your drains, it can be a sign of clogs or buildup that’s started to decompose. Chemical treatments effectively address these odors because they don’t just mask the smell; they target the source. 

By breaking down the organic matter causing the stink, these treatments leave your drains smelling fresh without excessive scrubbing or expensive plumbing work.

Remove Stubborn Clogs

The hard water in Tucson contributes to this problem by causing mineral buildup. Hair, soap scum, and grease can also accumulate, leading to stubborn blockages. Chemical treatments dissolve these kinds of common blockages in household pipes, offering a straightforward solution to what can often be a complex problem.

Long-Term Protection for Your Plumbing

Regular use of chemical treatments can serve as a preventive measure, prolonging the life of your pipes by preventing the buildup that leads to corrosion and leaks. 

Tucson’s water, known for its corrosiveness, poses a significant threat to the longevity of plumbing systems. By incorporating chemical treatments into your regular maintenance routine, you can counteract the effects of this corrosive water and keep your pipes in good condition.

Proper Use of Chemical Drain Treatments

While the benefits of chemical drain treatments are clear, you must use them responsibly to maintain the health of your plumbing system. Always follow the manufacturer’s instructions when using these chemicals, and use the right treatment for the specific issue you’re facing.

Wear protective gloves and goggles to avoid contact with your skin or eyes, and never mix different chemical solutions. If you’ve tried chemical treatments and the problem persists, or if you’re dealing with a major blockage, it’s time to call a professional. 

A licensed plumber can assess the situation and determine the most effective solution, whether it involves chemical treatments, mechanical removal, or other methods.

Why Choose Professional Chemical Drain Treatments?

When you opt for experts to handle your drain issues, you invest in the health and longevity of your home’s plumbing system. Professional plumbers have the right chemicals and tools to clear blockages so your drains are free-flowing in no time. 


They have the expertise to tackle tough clogs caused by grease, hair, and other stubborn materials that over-the-counter products can’t always dissolve.

Another perk is how cost-effective professional chemical treatments are. The average cost of drain repairs can go up to $800 for larger jobs. By efficiently dealing with clogs and maintaining your drains, professionals help you avoid more severe and expensive problems. Regular maintenance and treatments can significantly extend the life of your plumbing system, preventing premature breakdowns and replacements.

Also, when you hire professional plumbers for chemical drain treatments, you relieve yourself of dealing with the problem. You won’t have to spend your weekend trying to clear a clogged drain or risk handling harsh chemicals that could pose health and safety risks.

When to Call a Professional Plumber

There are clear signs that indicate when you need to hand over the reins to a professional plumber. If you’ve given your best shot at unclogging that stubborn drain to no avail, it’s time to call in expert help. Persistent clogs that defy all home remedies are a red flag. 

If you notice water backing up in places it shouldn’t, that’s a signal that the problem might be more complex than a simple clog. Also, if there’s a constant sewage smell that cleaning can’t eliminate, it’s likely an issue deep within your plumbing system. You get a comprehensive assessment, identifying the obvious issue and possible underlying problems.

Professional plumbers use equipment leagues ahead of your average plunger or store-bought drain cleaners to get the job done right. Perhaps most reassuring is the guarantee for the work. So if the problem reoccurs, you won’t have to shell out more money or attempt another DIY fix. The plumber will resolve the issue to your satisfaction.

Find Chemical Drain Treatment Services In Tucson, Arizona

Chemical drain treatments are a solid solution for keeping your Tucson home’s plumbing in good working order. They can efficiently break down clogs, minimize odors, and prevent future blockages with regular use. However, remember the importance of using these treatments wisely.

Overuse or relying on them for major blockages can lead to more harm than good. If you’re facing persistent or severe plumbing issues, it’s time to call a professional plumbing service. 

When you need extra help keeping your drains clean, the experts at Rootin Tootin Rooter can come over any time. In addition to chemical treatments, we can also cable, snake, or hydrojet your drains, depending on the issues and the state of your pipes. No matter the issue, our expert plumbers have the solution. 

So, call us today, and let’s get your pipes in order!

The Process of Whole Home Repiping in Tucson

TL;DR: If you’re noticing issues like low water pressure or discolored water in your Tucson home, it might be time for a whole-home repiping. Aging homes and hard water in the area contribute to plumbing problems, necessitating a thorough repiping process. This involves inspection, material selection (such as copper or PEX), and four main steps: removal of old pipes, installation of new ones, testing, and restoration. Proper preparation, including clearing work areas and potentially finding alternative accommodations, is crucial. Post-repiping maintenance is essential for ensuring long-term functionality. Rootin Tootin Rooter offers professional repiping services in Tucson, providing improved water quality and system reliability for homeowners.


When you start noticing issues with your water pressure, discolored water, or frequent leaks, it’s time to consider a whole-home repiping. This process involves replacing all the old and worn-out pipes in your home so you have a functional and safe water system. 

In Tucson, there’s a greater need for repiping because of several factors. The age of many homes in the area means that the plumbing systems aren’t up-to-date with current standards. Also, the water in Tucson is naturally hard, which can speed up the wear and tear on pipes, leading to more frequent issues.

In this article, we’ll go over the process of whole-home repiping in Tucson. With this information, you can make your home’s plumbing system efficient and ready to serve you for many years.

Understanding the Need for Whole Home Repiping

Pipes, like anything else in your home, have a lifespan. They age over time, corrode, or simply wear out, leading to many problems with your water supply. You should keep an eye out for a few signs indicating your pipes might be on their last legs: 

  • Unusually Low Water Pressure. This can mean the pipes are clogged or corroded to the point where water can’t flow freely. 
  • Discolored Water from Taps. It often means there’s rust in the pipes, which is a sure sign they’re degrading.
  • Recurring Leaks In the Plumbing System. This is another indication the piping system needs repairs, and they cause other water damage.
  • Noticeable Corrosion On Exposed Pipes. Rust weakens pipes and leads to water quality issues.

Why Tucson Homes Are at Risk

Most of the housing units in the Tucson area were built around 1978, making them and their pipes over 45 years old. The plumbing in older homes is made from materials like cast iron, galvanized steel, and polybutylene plastic. These materials didn’t hold up to the test of time and are unsuitable for today’s plumbing standards. That means many Tucson homes have pipes reaching the end of their usefulness.

But it’s not just the age of these homes that puts them at risk; it’s also the water. Tucson deals with hard water, which is notorious for speeding up the degradation of pipes. The minerals in hard water can accumulate over time, leading to blockages and corrosion.

The Process of Whole Home Repiping

The first step of full home repiping is having a plumber thoroughly inspect your system. You can expect them to check the condition of your existing pipes, look for signs of corrosion or leaks, and assess the water pressure. 


This inspection will help them decide which materials to use for the repiping process. Some popular choices are copper and PEX pipes, considering Tucson’s unique water conditions.

The Repiping Stage

The repiping process itself isn’t very complicated, but it takes time and expertise. It typically unfolds in four main steps:

  • The old piping is carefully removed, which might involve cutting into walls, ceilings, or floors to access the pipes.
  • They install the new pipes. This step is done with attention to detail to avoid any future problems.
  • After the new pipes are installed, the plumbers test the new system to find leaks and ensure optimal water pressure. 
  • The parts of your where the repiping took place need fixing. That includes repairing drywall, repainting, and restoring any other finishes to their original condition.

The entire process can take a week or more, depending on the size of your house and the complexity of your plumbing system. A professional team will do their best to minimize the inconvenience, but you can still expect some commotion.

Preparing Your Home for Repiping

When you’re getting ready to repipe the plumbing in your home, the first thing you need to do is clear the work areas. That means moving furniture, rugs, and personal items away from walls where pipes run. Even though the plumbers will be careful, it’s better to be safe and remove the things you wish to protect.

Repiping an entire house is a big job, and staying home while the plumbers are working can be impractical or impossible. Ask your plumber about the timeline and what to expect. They can give you a good idea of whether you’ll need to find an alternative place to stay.

Choosing the Right Repiping Materials for Your Home

Your home’s plumbing system is a collection of pipes that supplies clean water while removing waste efficiently. The materials you choose will directly impact the system’s durability, functionality, and safety. The consequences of poor material choices are more frequent repairs and reduced water quality. In some cases, the plumbing system fails and needs replacing again.

When it comes to picking the materials for repiping your home, it pays to know your options and understand how they fulfill the demands of your local environment:

  • Copper Pipes. These pipes can last for decades, resisting most forms of corrosion and withstanding high temperatures. They’re pricier compared to other materials. Moreover, if you’re in an area with hard water, copper pipes might be prone to faster corrosion, leading to leaks and other issues that could compromise your home’s plumbing system. Despite these considerations, the longevity and performance of copper often justify its cost.
  • PEX Pipes. A more modern alternative known for its flexibility and resistance to scale buildup and chlorine damage. These qualities make PEX an attractive option, especially for homes in areas with water quality issues. Because of the lower material and installation costs, PEX pipes aren’t as expensive as copper. Their flexibility allows for quicker and less invasive installation work. However, it’s worth noting that PEX doesn’t have a long-standing track record as copper, particularly in terms of longevity.

Aftercare and Maintenance

Following a repiping job, your home’s plumbing system will need proper care to keep working efficiently. You should establish a maintenance routine, which includes:

  • Checking for leaks
  • Monitoring water pressure
  • Cleaning aerators on faucets to prevent clogs

You should also inspect the exposed pipes in basements, crawl spaces, and utility rooms for signs of moisture or corrosion. If you notice a drop in water pressure or discolored water, these could be early warnings of potential issues that need addressing.

Make it a habit to have a professional plumber perform a detailed inspection of your plumbing system annually. This approach will help you identify and fix minor problems and extend the lifespan of the repiping work.

Find the Best Plumbing Service in Tucson, Arizona

When you invest in this significant home improvement project, you’re preventing potential disasters caused by old, corroded pipes. You’re also improving the overall value of your property. You’ll experience a noticeable difference in your water’s quality and flow and the reliability of your home’s plumbing system.

If you’re ready to give your home’s plumbing a much-needed makeover, Rootin Tootin Rooter has you covered. Our company can help you repipe, fix, and maintain your plumbing system. Our experienced plumbers use high-quality parts that will keep your system in good repair for many years.

So, why don’t you give us a call and let us take care of the process of whole home repiping in Tucson? With us, you never have to worry about your leaky pipes again!



How do I know if my home needs whole-home repiping services from Rootin Tootin Rooter?

Look out for signs like low water pressure, discolored water, frequent leaks, or noticeable corrosion on exposed pipes. If you’re experiencing any of these issues, it’s a good idea to contact Rootin Tootin Rooter for a thorough inspection and assessment of your plumbing system.

What sets Rootin Tootin Rooter apart from other plumbing service providers for whole-home repiping?

Rootin Tootin Rooter stands out for our expertise, reliability, and dedication to customer satisfaction. With years of experience in the industry, our professional plumbers offer comprehensive repiping services, transparent pricing, and prompt responses to inquiries. We prioritize your home’s safety and convenience, making us the ideal choice for all your repiping needs.

How long does the whole-home repiping process typically take with Rootin Tootin Rooter?

The duration of the repiping process depends on the size of your home and the complexity of your plumbing system. However, our professional team strives to complete the job efficiently while minimizing disruption to your daily life. We’ll provide you with a clear timeline and keep you informed throughout the process.

What materials does Rootin Tootin Rooter use for whole-home repiping, and how do they affect the durability of my plumbing system?

Rootin Tootin Rooter offers a selection of high-quality materials for repiping, including copper and PEX pipes. Both materials offer durability and resistance to corrosion, ensuring the longevity and reliability of your plumbing system. Our experienced plumbers will help you choose the best option based on your specific needs and budget.

10 Essential Spring Plumbing Maintenance Tips for Tucson Homes

Spring plumbing maintenance is crucial for Tucson homes to prevent leaks, ensure efficient water usage, and extend the lifespan of plumbing systems. Given the unique challenges of Tucson’s climate and water quality, hiring a professional plumber for a routine inspection can identify and mitigate potential issues before they become costly repairs. 

As spring is approaching the Desert, you might be wondering what you can do as a homeowner to ensure your plumbing system stays running in top-condition as the seasons change. Home maintenance tasks can’t be overlooked – particularly plumbing maintenance. Tucson’s unique climate and hard water present specific challenges that require attention to ensure the longevity and efficiency of your home’s plumbing system.

In this blog, we’ll explore 10 essential spring plumbing maintenance tips specifically tailored for Tucson homes. Whether you’re dealing with mineral buildup from hard water or preparing your plumbing for the increased demand of the warmer months, understanding and addressing these needs can prevent costly emergencies and ensure your home runs smoothly. Remember, professional plumbing services and routine maintenance is the key to ensuring your plumbing system is in good working condition.

Tip #1: Inspect For Leaks

One of the most crucial steps in spring plumbing maintenance for Tucson homes is conducting a thorough inspection for leaks. Due to the dry climate and significant temperature fluctuations from day to night, pipes and plumbing fixtures can become stressed, leading to leaks that may not be immediately visible. Start by checking all exposed pipes, under sinks, and around appliances for any signs of moisture or drips. Don’t overlook outdoor faucets and sprinkler systems, which are often prone to leaks after a period of disuse during the cooler months.

A simple but effective method to detect toilet leaks is the dye test: add a few drops of food coloring to the toilet tank and wait 15 minutes. If color appears in the bowl without flushing, this indicates a leak that could be wasting significant amounts of water. Early detection of leaks, no matter how small, is vital. Even a slow drip can lead to substantial water loss and increased bills over time. Moreover, unresolved leaks can cause damage to your home’s structure and foundation, leading to more costly repairs. Regularly inspecting and repairing leaks is not only a matter of efficiency but also a step towards sustainable water use in Tucson’s desert environment.

Tip #2: Water Heater Maintenance

An often overlooked but essential aspect of spring plumbing maintenance is the care of your water heater, especially in areas like Tucson where hard water is prevalent. Mineral deposits from hard water can accumulate at the bottom of your water heater tank, reducing its efficiency and lifespan. To maintain optimal performance, it’s recommended to drain and flush your water heater at least once a year. Spring provides the perfect opportunity to perform this task, ensuring your system runs efficiently throughout the year.

Hiring a professional plumber for water heater maintenance is crucial, as they possess the expertise and tools to safely perform comprehensive checks and necessary repairs, ensuring your system operates efficiently and safely. Their knowledge is invaluable in identifying potential issues early, preventing costly damages and extending the lifespan of your water heater, especially in areas with hard water like Tucson.

Tip #3: Cleaning Shower Heads & Faucets

In Tucson, where the water is notoriously hard, mineral deposits can quickly build up on shower heads and faucets, leading to decreased water pressure and flow. These mineral deposits, primarily composed of calcium and magnesium, can clog the small openings in shower heads and faucets, impairing their efficiency and performance. Spring is the ideal time to tackle this issue, ensuring your fixtures are clean and functioning optimally for the increased water usage that warmer weather brings.

For an effective and eco-friendly cleaning method, remove the shower heads and faucet aerators and soak them in a bowl of white vinegar for several hours or overnight. Vinegar is a natural descaling agent that can dissolve mineral buildup without the need for harsh chemicals. After soaking, use an old toothbrush to scrub away any remaining deposits, paying special attention to the small openings where water flows. Rinse thoroughly with water before reattaching to ensure that any loosened deposits are flushed away.

This simple maintenance task not only improves water flow and efficiency but also extends the lifespan of your shower heads and faucets. Regular cleaning can also prevent the growth of bacteria and mold, contributing to a healthier home environment.

Tip #4: Checking Outdoor Faucet & Sprinklers

With Tucson’s springtime arrival, outdoor water use increases significantly. It’s essential to check outdoor faucets and sprinkler systems for leaks, damage, or inefficiencies that may have arisen during the cooler months. Start by visually inspecting all outdoor faucets for drips or leaks when turned on. A small leak can lead to significant water wastage over time, impacting both your water bill and the environment.

For sprinkler systems, activate each zone in turn, watching for uneven spray patterns or areas where water doesn’t reach. Look for signs of leakage, particularly at the sprinkler heads and the points where the heads connect to the pipes. These could indicate that a seal is worn or that there’s damage to the system.

Repairing leaks, adjusting sprinkler heads for optimal coverage, and replacing any damaged parts are crucial steps to ensure your outdoor watering system is both efficient and effective. This not only conserves water, crucial in Tucson’s desert climate, but also promotes healthier lawn and garden growth by delivering water precisely where it’s needed.

Regular maintenance of outdoor faucets and sprinkler systems as part of your spring plumbing checklist can prevent more significant issues later in the season, saving you time, resources, and ensuring your outdoor spaces remain vibrant and thriving.

Tip #5: Service the Sewer Line

Spring in Tucson is not just a time for cleaning and renewal inside your home but also an opportunity to ensure your property’s sewer line is in optimal condition. The sewer line, the main conduit for waste and wastewater from your home to the municipal sewer system, can become clogged with debris, tree roots, or even suffer from structural damage due to shifting soil or age. A blocked or damaged sewer line can lead to slow drains throughout your home, unpleasant odors, or in severe cases, backups of sewage into your home, posing significant health risks and potential property damage.

Scheduling a professional inspection of your sewer line can preempt these issues. Plumbers can use specialized equipment, such as video cameras, to inspect the interior of sewer pipes and identify blockages, cracks, or other problems that aren’t visible from the surface. Early detection allows for targeted repairs that can be less invasive and more cost-effective than addressing a full-blown sewer line emergency. This proactive step ensures your home’s plumbing system functions smoothly, avoiding inconvenient and potentially expensive issues down the line.

Tip #6: Inspect and Clean Gutters and Downspouts

With all the rain Tucson has been getting, your gutters and downspouts need attention to maintain your home’s integrity. These components play a vital role in directing rainwater away from your home’s foundation, walls, and landscaping to prevent water damage, soil erosion, and the potential for flooding. Over the cooler months, gutters can accumulate leaves, twigs, and debris, leading to blockages that impede their functionality.

Begin by visually inspecting your gutters and downspouts for signs of clogging, sagging, or detachment from the house. Clear any debris collected in the gutters, and flush them with water to ensure they are directing water away from your home efficiently.

Additionally, check for any signs of rust or damage that could affect their performance or lead to leaks. It’s also a good time to inspect the area around your downspouts for erosion or water pooling, which can indicate that water is not being directed far enough away from your home’s foundation. Addressing these issues promptly can prevent more significant problems such as foundation cracks, ensuring your home stays dry and damage-free during Tucson’s spring and the monsoon season to follow.

Tip #7: Test Water Pressure

Maintaining the right water pressure in your Tucson home is not just about ensuring a comfortable shower experience; it’s also essential for the health of your plumbing system. Too high water pressure can stress pipes, lead to leaks, and shorten the lifespan of appliances, while too low pressure affects the efficiency of your water usage and overall convenience. The changing temperatures in spring can influence your home’s water pressure, making this season an optimal time for testing.

You can check your home’s water pressure with a pressure gauge, which attaches to an outdoor faucet or hose bib. Ideal water pressure should be between 40 to 60 pounds per square inch (psi). If your reading is outside this range, it may be time to install a pressure regulator to lower high pressure or investigate and resolve any issues causing low pressure, such as clogs or leaks in your plumbing system. It’s recommended to also consult with your trusted Plumber.

Addressing water pressure issues not only prolongs the integrity of your plumbing but also contributes to water conservation and reduces your utility bills, aligning with Tucson’s water-wise practices for sustainable living.

Tip #8: Toilet Maintenance

Regularly checking your toilets for leaks and efficiency can prevent water waste and save on water bills. A simple yet effective way to check for leaks is the dye test: Add a few drops of food coloring to the toilet tank and wait about 15 minutes without flushing. If color appears in the bowl, this indicates a leak between the tank and bowl, often due to a faulty flapper or seal, which can lead to significant water loss over time.

In addition to leak tests, inspect the internal components of the toilet tank for signs of corrosion or damage, and replace any worn parts. Also, consider the age and efficiency of your toilets. Older models can use up to 6 gallons per flush, while modern, high-efficiency toilets use as little as 1.28 gallons. Upgrading to a water-efficient model not only conserves water but also aligns with Tucson’s efforts towards sustainability. Keeping your toilets well-maintained and efficient is a straightforward yet impactful way to contribute to water conservation in the desert environment.

Tip #9: Prepare Plumbing For Air Conditioning Use

As Tucson warms up in spring, preparing your home’s plumbing for the increased use of air conditioning is a wise step. Air conditioning units, particularly evaporative coolers, rely on water to cool the air, which means your plumbing system will be working harder during the hotter months. One key aspect to focus on is the condensate drain line, which can become clogged with algae, mold, or debris over time. A clogged condensate line can lead to water leaks, inefficient cooling, and potential water damage to your home.

Start by ensuring the condensate line is clear. You can do this by flushing the line with a mixture of vinegar and water, which helps remove buildup without harsh chemicals. Also, check the drain pan for any signs of rust or damage that could lead to leaks. It’s important to inspect these components in the spring to prevent issues once you start using your air conditioner regularly.

Keeping the condensate line and drain pan clean and in good repair not only ensures your AC runs efficiently but also helps prevent water damage and mold growth in your home, making for a cooler, more comfortable summer in Tucson.

Tip #10: Comprehensive Professional Plumbing Maintenance and Inspection

Even with diligent maintenance, some plumbing issues can be elusive and require a professional eye to identify and remedy. A comprehensive professional plumbing inspection is a crucial step for Tucson homeowners, especially in the spring. This proactive measure ensures your plumbing system is ready to handle the increased demands of the warmer months. Professional plumbers use advanced techniques and tools, such as video inspections for sewer lines and specialized equipment to detect hidden leaks, to provide a thorough assessment of your plumbing system’s health.

Scheduling a professional inspection can uncover issues like underground leaks, improperly vented drains, and potential sewer line blockages that might not be apparent during routine maintenance checks. It’s an investment that can save significant money and inconvenience by preventing major repairs down the line. Moreover, a plumber can offer tailored advice on managing hard water issues and optimizing your home’s plumbing system for efficiency and longevity. As Tucson transitions into the warmer seasons, having a professional plumber ensure your system is in top shape is a wise step towards a hassle-free summer.

Professional Plumbing Services Near You

In conclusion, embracing these essential spring plumbing maintenance tips can significantly enhance the efficiency, safety, and longevity of your plumbing system, especially in the unique climate of Tucson. From inspecting for leaks to scheduling a professional plumbing inspection, each step plays a crucial role in preparing your home for the demands of the warmer months ahead. While some maintenance tasks can be tackled with a DIY approach, recognizing when to call in a professional can save you time, money, and prevent potential emergencies.

If you’re in Tucson and seeking a reliable, expert plumbing service to tackle your spring maintenance needs, look no further than Rootin Tootin Rooter and Plumbing. With a reputation built on prompt, courteous service and unparalleled expertise, our team of certified professionals is equipped to handle everything from routine inspections to complex repairs. We specialize in addressing the unique challenges of Tucson’s plumbing systems, offering solutions that range from hard water treatment to sewer line inspections, all designed to ensure your plumbing operates smoothly through spring and beyond.

Frequently Asked Questions About Plumbing Maintenance in Tucson, AZ

What are the signs that my water heater needs maintenance?

Signs that your water heater may need maintenance include fluctuations in water temperature, discolored water coming from hot water taps, unusual noises coming from the water heater tank, and water pooling around the base of the heater. An annual flushing of the tank to remove sediment, checking the pressure relief valve, and ensuring the temperature is set correctly can help prevent these issues.

Can hard water in Tucson affect my plumbing system?

Yes, Tucson’s hard water, characterized by high levels of calcium and magnesium, can have a significant impact on plumbing systems. It can lead to mineral buildup in pipes and on fixtures, reducing water flow and efficiency. Installing a water softener, regularly cleaning fixtures to remove mineral deposits, and consulting with a professional about solutions can mitigate these effects.

When should I seek professional plumbing services?

While many spring plumbing maintenance tasks can be DIY, professional services are recommended if you encounter complex issues such as deep-seated leaks, sewer line problems, significant water pressure issues, or if your water heater shows signs of serious malfunction. Professionals can also provide comprehensive inspections to identify and address issues that might not be apparent to homeowners.

The Do’s and Don’ts of DIY Drain Cleaning

TL;DR: When tackling DIY drain cleaning, always opt for gentle, natural solutions like baking soda and vinegar, and use a plunger or plumber’s snake for physical removal of clogs. Avoid overusing harsh chemical cleaners that can corrode your pipes and never ignore persistent drainage issues, as they may indicate a deeper problem that requires professional attention.

Keeping your drains clear and functioning properly is an essential part of home maintenance, yet it often gets overlooked until a problem arises. While the idea of DIY drain cleaning may seem daunting, it’s a manageable task if you know the right techniques and what to avoid.

In this guide, we’ll walk you through the essential do’s and don’ts of DIY drain cleaning, from simple, natural methods that can prevent clogs to understanding when a problem is beyond a quick fix and requires professional intervention for drain cleaning. Whether you’re dealing with a slow sink or a stubborn shower drain, our tips will help you tackle the issue safely and effectively, ensuring your plumbing remains in top condition.

Understanding Your Drainage System and Common Problems

Before you dive into the world of DIY drain cleaning, it’s crucial to have a basic understanding of your home’s drainage system and what typically causes clogs. Your home’s drainage system is designed to carry wastewater away from your home safely and efficiently. It consists of various pipes, traps, and vents, all of which play a vital role in ensuring water flows smoothly without allowing sewer gases to enter your home. Common Causes of Drain Clogs:

  • Hair and Soap Residue: In showers and bathroom sinks, hair binds with soap residue to form clogs.
  • Food Waste: Kitchen sink drains can become clogged with food particles, especially if a garbage disposal isn’t used properly.
  • Grease and Oil: Grease, oil, and fat should never go down the kitchen sink as they solidify in pipes, leading to clogs.
  • Foreign Objects: Items that shouldn’t be flushed or washed down the drain, such as sanitary products, wipes (even those labeled “flushable”), and large food particles, can cause blockages.
  • Mineral Buildup: In areas with hard water, mineral deposits can accumulate in pipes, reducing flow and causing backups.

Understanding these common culprits can help you prevent clogs before they happen and approach DIY drain cleaning with the right strategy. Armed with this knowledge, you’ll be better equipped to tackle maintenance and cleaning tasks while avoiding the mistakes that can lead to bigger plumbing problems.

The Do’s of DIY Drain Cleaning

Effective DIY drain cleaning requires a balance of preventive measures and the right response to emerging clogs. Here are some essential do’s to keep your drains flowing smoothly:

Do: Use Boiling Water for Simple, Greasy Clogs

Boiling water can be effective for melting and dislodging grease buildup in your kitchen sink. Pouring a kettle of boiling water down the drain periodically can help maintain a clear passage.

Do: Try a Plunger for Minor Blockages

A plunger can be a homeowner’s first line of defense against toilet, sink, and shower clogs. Ensure you’re using the correct type of plunger for the fixture (a flange plunger for toilets and a cup plunger for sinks and showers) and create a firm seal around the drain before plunging vigorously.

Do: Utilize Baking Soda and Vinegar for a Non-toxic Cleaning Method

A mixture of baking soda and vinegar can create a chemical reaction that helps dislodge clogs. Pour half a cup of baking soda followed by half a cup of white vinegar down the drain, wait for about an hour, and then flush with hot water.

Do: Use a Plumber’s Snake to Physically Remove Obstructions

For tougher clogs that a plunger can’t clear, a plumber’s snake or drain auger can be used to physically remove the blockage. Carefully feed the snake into the drain until you reach the clog, then twist and pull to break it apart or retrieve it.

Do: Practice Regular Maintenance to Prevent Clogs Before They Start

Regularly cleaning your drains can prevent the buildup that leads to clogs. Besides using natural cleaners like baking soda and vinegar, consider using drain strainers to catch hair and food particles before they enter your plumbing.

By incorporating these do’s into your routine, you can effectively manage many common drain issues without the need for harsh chemicals or professional intervention. However, always exercise caution and know your limits; some situations may still require a plumber’s expertise.

The Don’ts of DIY Drain Cleaning

While there are many effective DIY methods for keeping your drains clear, there are also critical mistakes that can lead to more significant problems. Here’s what you should avoid doing when attempting to clean your drains yourself:

Don’t: Overuse Chemical Drain Cleaners

Chemical drain cleaners can seem like an easy fix, but their frequent use can corrode pipes, leading to leaks and other serious plumbing issues. These chemicals are also harmful to the environment.

Don’t: Ignore the Problem

Hoping a clog will resolve itself not only worsens the blockage but can also lead to backups, water damage, and costly repairs. Addressing issues promptly can save a lot of trouble and expense.

Don’t: Use Improper Tools

Using makeshift tools or the wrong type of plunger or snake can damage your pipes or fixtures. This can turn a minor clog into a major plumbing problem, increasing the risk of leaks or breaks.

Don’t: Forcefully Unclog Without Knowing the Cause

Aggressively trying to clear a clog without understanding what’s causing it (e.g., tree roots, a collapsed pipe) can exacerbate the problem. Sometimes, the issue is not something that can be fixed with force or simple tools.

Don’t: Hesitate to Call a Professional

When the problem seems to be beyond your skills or if you’re unsure about the correct approach, it’s better to call a professional plumber. They have the expertise and equipment to diagnose and fix the issue without causing further damage.

By avoiding these common pitfalls, you can ensure that your DIY drain cleaning efforts are both effective and safe, protecting your home’s plumbing system and avoiding unnecessary damage or costs.

When to Call a Professional Plumber

Recognizing when to shift from DIY efforts to seeking professional plumbing assistance is crucial for the longevity and efficiency of your home’s plumbing system. There are distinct situations that clearly signal the need for a professional plumber’s expertise. For instance, when you encounter persistent or recurring clogs that resist all DIY remedies, it’s a strong indication of deeper, possibly more complex blockages that require specialized tools and skills to resolve.

Similarly, if multiple drains in your home are simultaneously clogged, or if there are signs of water backing up in various fixtures, these symptoms may point to a significant issue with your main sewer line, a scenario that demands immediate professional intervention.

Moreover, unusual signs like persistent bad odors emanating from drains, or the occurrence of strange noises such as gurgling sounds from pipes, should not be ignored. These can be indicators of serious underlying issues, such as sewer line breaks or venting problems, that not only pose health risks but can also lead to extensive property damage if left unaddressed.

In such cases, the expertise of a professional plumber is invaluable. They possess the necessary diagnostic tools to accurately identify the root cause of the problem and implement effective, long-lasting solutions. Turning to a professional in these scenarios can save homeowners time, money, and the hassle of dealing with more severe plumbing emergencies down the line.

Professional Drain Cleaning Services Near You

In conclusion, while DIY drain cleaning can be an effective way to handle minor clogs and maintain your plumbing system, it’s important to recognize the limitations of what you can safely and effectively achieve on your own. Persistent issues, multiple blocked drains, water backup, bad odors, and strange noises are all clear signals that it’s time to call in a professional plumber. Their expertise not only ensures that the job is done right but also protects your home from potential damage and saves you from the cost and inconvenience of future problems.

If you’re facing persistent plumbing issues in your Tucson, AZ home that seem beyond the scope of DIY fixes, it’s time to call the experts at Rootin Tootin Rooter and Plumbing.

With a team of highly skilled and experienced professionals, we specialize in quickly diagnosing and resolving all types of drain problems, from simple clogs to complex sewer line issues. Our commitment to quality service, combined with the latest tools and technology, ensures that your plumbing problems are solved efficiently and effectively, with minimal disruption to your daily life. Trust Rootin Tootin Rooter and Plumbing to provide fast, reliable, and friendly service that gets your system back in top shape.

Frequently Asked Questions About Drain Cleaning

What are the risks of using chemical drain cleaners too frequently?

Chemical drain cleaners can provide a quick fix but come with risks. Overuse can lead to pipe corrosion, especially in older plumbing systems. These chemicals are also hazardous to your health and the environment. It’s best to use them sparingly and consider safer, more natural alternatives when possible.

Are there any tools I should have at home for DIY drain cleaning?

A few basic tools can be helpful for DIY drain cleaning, including a plunger (a different one for toilets and sinks), a plumber’s snake or drain auger, and perhaps a drain guard to catch hair and other debris. These tools can handle many minor clogs and maintenance tasks without the need for harsh chemicals.

Most Common Plumbing Issues in Southwest Homes and How to Address Them

TL;DR: Water leakage is a major plumbing issue in the US, causing 2.6 trillion gallons of water loss annually. In Southwest homes, common problems include hard water, leaky faucets, clogged drains, running toilets, and water heater issues. Regular maintenance is crucial for preventing costly repairs, conserving water, extending the lifespan of plumbing systems, preserving water quality, minimizing disruptions, and enhancing home value. Professional plumbing services play a key role in early issue detection, compliance with regulations, assessing water quality, inspecting sewer and drain lines, and providing recommendations for upgrades and maintenance. For homeowners in Tucson, AZ, hiring trusted plumbing experts like Rootin Tootin Rooter can ensure a well-maintained plumbing system and increased property value.

Water leakage is the most common plumbing issue in the US, leading to 2.6 trillion gallons of water being lost annually. Understanding the common plumbing issues in Southwest homes and how to address them can help homeowners maintain their plumbing systems and avoid expensive repairs. 

Plumbing problems frequently occur in homes across this region. By taking proactive measures and promptly addressing the issues, homeowners can avoid expensive and frequent repairs. That ensures the proper and satisfactory functioning of any home’s plumbing. To learn more about some of the most widespread plumbing issues in Southwest homes and the possible solutions, keep reading!

Common Plumbing Issues and Effective Solutions 

If you want to learn more about the most common plumbing issues in Southwest homes, check out the following list: 

Hard Water Problems

Southwest houses often face hard water, which carries high mineral levels. The minerals form scale over time, which can cause problems with water flow and efficiency. Using a water softener can help solve hard water problems by eliminating the surplus of minerals. Frequent water softener maintenance, including reloading salts and cleaning the resin tank, is crucial to ensure its effectiveness.

Leaky Faucets

Many Southwest households have dealt with a leaky faucet. Old washers or seals are a common cause of these leaks, while other underlying issues could also be worth exploring. In addition to wasting water, leaky faucets can cause additional problems if not addressed immediately.

A leaky faucet can be fixed by restoring the damaged washers or seals. The most effective solution to this problem is for homeowners to consult or work with a professional plumber to address the issue and prevent further water wastage.

Clogged Drains

Common problems like hard water can lead to clogged drains in Southwest homes. Mineral buildup, grease, and debris can block sinks, showers, and bathtub drains.

If you want to fix your clogged drains, you should break down the buildup. Use a plumber’s tools to push or break down the barrier for more stubborn clogs. Also, remember that regular maintenance with enzymatic drain cleaners can also prevent clogs from occurring

Running Toilets

The most annoying plumbing issue involves running toilets. These problems are not only annoying to deal with, but they can also result in more costly water bills. This concern can appear in Southwest homes due to worn-out flapper valves or faulty fill valves.

Substituting the flapper valve and adjusting the fill valve can often resolve running toilet problems. While you can easily fix this yourself, if you have no plumbing experience, it’s better to have a professional do it to ensure adequate installation.

Water Heater Issues

Houses in the Southwest region often depend on water heaters. Thus, it’s not ideal to have your day disrupted by strange noises coming from your heater or even having no hot water despite being turned on all day. For leaks or other electrical problems, homeowners should seek the expertise of a qualified plumber to avoid potential hazards.

The Importance of Regular Maintenance for Preventing Plumbing Issues

With regular maintenance, you can prevent most plumbing issues that are common in Southwest homes. This way, homeowners can avoid frequent expenses, preserve water, and ensure the longevity of their fixtures and pipes. Here’s how regular maintenance prevents plumbing issues:

  • Preventing Costly Repairs: Homeowners can catch minor plumbing issues before they escalate into major problems and lower repair costs with that. Also, they should perform regular check-ups to ensure there are no leaks and address any signs of wear and tear.
  • Conserving Water: Through regular maintenance, homeowners can detect and fix water wastage issues promptly, thereby conserving water and reducing their utility bills. Additionally, maintaining water-using appliances such as water heaters and washing machines ensures they operate efficiently, helping to minimize water usage.
  • Extending the Lifespan of Plumbing Systems: By removing mineral buildup, preventing corrosion, and addressing wear and tear, homeowners can ensure that their pipes, fixtures, and appliances remain functional for an extended period, reducing the need for frequent replacements.
  • Preserving Water Quality: Regular upkeep is vital for preserving water quality in regions with hard water, like the Southwest. Water softeners need well-ordered maintenance to remove minerals from the water efficiently. With proper maintenance, you can prevent scale buildup in pipes and fixtures and ensure the water remains safe.
  • Minimizing Disruptions: Plumbing issues can cause many inconveniences. By staying on top of regular maintenance tasks, homeowners can minimize the likelihood of sudden plumbing emergencies, ensuring that their daily routines are not interrupted by unexpected leaks, clogs, or malfunctions.
  • Enhancing Home Value: A well-maintained plumbing system is very appealing for future homebuyers. Orderly maintenance demonstrates that the homeowner is disciplined in taking care of the property, which can enhance its value and appeal in the real estate market.

The Role of Professional Plumbing Services in Addressing Issues

Professional plumbing inspections are an essential part of maintaining your water network. Licensed and experienced plumbers with expertise can best perform these inspections to identify potential issues.

Similarly, the plumbers can provide improvement recommendations and ensure that the plumbing infrastructure meets regulatory standards. Here’s how professional plumbing services can be of help:

  • Early Detection of Issues: Professional plumbers are skilled in detecting possible plumbing issues that homeowners may not immediately notice. Through comprehensive inspections, professionals can detect leaks, corrosion, and clogs. If such issues are left unattended, this could lead to significant damage to the plumbing system and the home’s structure.
  • Compliance with Regulations: In many regions, including the Southwest, building codes and regulations govern plumbing installations and standards. Professional plumbers know these regulations and can ensure the plumbing system complies with all applicable codes, preventing potential legal and safety issues.
  • Assessing Water Quality: Experienced plumbers can evaluate the quality of the water supply in Southwest homes. They can provide homeowners with valuable insights into the safety and quality of their water and recommend appropriate solutions if issues are identified.
  • Inspection of Sewer and Drain Lines: Professional inspections often include a thorough assessment of sewer and drain lines. They use specialized tools to inspect the condition of these critical components, identifying blockages or similar issues that could lead to high-priced repairs if not fixed promptly.
  • Recommendations for Upgrades and Maintenance: If homeowners request, professional plumbers can provide them with recommendations for upgrades and maintenance tasks that can improve the performance and longevity of their plumbing systems. This may include suggestions for installing water softeners, upgrading water heaters, or implementing preventive maintenance measures to avoid future issues.

Find Trusted Plumbing Experts in Tucson, AZ

Understanding and addressing common plumbing issues in Southwest homes and how to address them is essential for homeowners who want to maintain their plumbing system’s usefulness, capability, and practicality. A well-looked-after plumbing setup gives the home a higher value, making it more desirable and aesthetically pleasing. 

We encourage homeowners to prioritize maintenance and hire professional plumbing services like Rootin Tootin Rooter. If you want the best maintenance strategy for your plumbing system, call us today and schedule a consultation!


How can I prevent common plumbing problems like leaky faucets and clogged drains in my Tucson home?

Regular maintenance is key to preventing plumbing issues. Rootin Tootin Rooter recommends scheduling routine inspections to detect and address any potential problems before they escalate. Additionally, consider installing water softeners to combat hard water issues and using enzymatic drain cleaners to prevent clogs.

What should I do if I encounter a plumbing emergency in my Tucson, AZ home?

In the event of a plumbing emergency, such as a burst pipe or overflowing toilet, it’s essential to act quickly. Contact Rootin Tootin Rooter for immediate assistance. Their team of experienced plumbers in Tucson can promptly respond to emergencies and provide efficient solutions to mitigate damage and restore your plumbing system.

How can I ensure that my plumbing system complies with regulations in the Southwest region?

Ensuring compliance with local building codes and regulations is crucial for homeowners in the Southwest. Rootin Tootin Rooter advises consulting with licensed and experienced plumbers who are familiar with regional standards. Their professionals can assess your plumbing system, identify any non-compliance issues, and make the necessary adjustments to ensure adherence to regulations.

What are the benefits of hiring professional plumbing services like Rootin Tootin Rooter for maintenance and repairs?

Professional plumbing services offer numerous benefits, including expertise in early issue detection, compliance with regulations, assessment of water quality, inspection of sewer and drain lines, and recommendations for upgrades and maintenance. Rootin Tootin Rooter’s team of trusted plumbers in Tucson, AZ, provides comprehensive services to help homeowners maintain efficient and reliable plumbing systems while increasing property value.

How often should my home be repiped?

TL;DR: Repiping your home may be necessary if you notice signs like frequent leaks, low water pressure, discolored water, or strange noises from your pipes. Factors influencing repiping frequency include pipe age, material, water quality, and usage patterns. Repiping involves selecting new pipes, preparing your home, installing the new pipes, and testing the system. Rootin Tootin Rooter can guide you through the process. FAQs cover signs of repiping need, project duration, benefits, and cost considerations.

Maintaining a reliable plumbing system is essential for the comfort and safety of your home. Over time, pipes can deteriorate, leading to a host of issues such as leaks, reduced water pressure, and even water contamination. Repiping your home might become necessary to ensure that your plumbing system continues to function effectively. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the signs that indicate it’s time to consider repiping your home, explore the various factors that can influence the frequency of repiping, discuss what you can expect during the repiping process, and offer some final insights to help you maintain a dependable plumbing system for your household.

Signs It’s Time to Repipe Your Home

Several indicators may suggest that your home is due for repiping:

  • Frequent Leaks: If you find yourself constantly dealing with leaks, or notice water stains on walls or ceilings, it could be a sign that your pipes are deteriorating and in need of replacement. These leaks can occur due to corrosion, cracks, or other forms of damage to the pipes.
  • Low Water Pressure: Reduced water pressure throughout your home can be a frustrating issue that may indicate underlying problems with your plumbing system. Corrosion, mineral buildup, or blockages within the pipes can restrict water flow, leading to low water pressure. Repiping may be necessary to restore adequate water pressure.
  • Discolored Water: Rusty or discolored water coming from your taps is not only unappealing but also a potential health hazard. It often indicates corrosion or rusting within the pipes, which can affect the quality of your drinking water. Repiping can help improve water quality and prevent further contamination.
  • Strange Noises: Gurgling, rattling, or banging noises emanating from your pipes could be a sign of air pockets, loose connections, or debris buildup within the pipes. These noises may indicate that your pipes are deteriorating and need to be replaced to prevent further issues.

Factors Influencing the Frequency of Home Repiping

Several factors can impact how often your home requires repiping:

  • Age of Pipes: Older homes with original plumbing systems are more susceptible to corrosion, leaks, and other forms of deterioration. As pipes age, they become more prone to issues, necessitating repiping sooner than newer homes with modern plumbing materials.
  • Pipe Material: The type of material used for your home’s pipes can significantly influence their lifespan. For instance, galvanized steel pipes are prone to corrosion and rusting, which can lead to frequent leaks and water quality issues. Copper and PEX pipes tend to be more durable and corrosion-resistant, potentially extending the time between repiping projects.
  • Water Quality: The quality of the water running through your pipes can also affect their longevity. Hard water, which contains high levels of minerals like calcium and magnesium, can accelerate corrosion and mineral buildup within the pipes. Similarly, acidic or aggressive water can cause premature deterioration of the pipes, requiring more frequent repiping.
  • Usage Patterns: Homes with high water usage or frequent plumbing issues may require repiping sooner than those with lower usage rates. Heavy usage, such as large families or frequent entertaining, can put additional strain on the plumbing system, leading to faster wear and tear of the pipes.

Repiping Process: What to Expect

The repiping process typically follows these steps:

  1. Assessment: A professional plumber, such as Rootin Tootin Rooter, will conduct a thorough assessment of your home’s plumbing system to determine the extent of the repiping project. They will inspect the condition of the existing pipes, identify any areas of concern, and develop a plan for the repiping process.
  2. Pipe Selection: Based on the assessment and your specific needs, you’ll work with your plumber to select the most appropriate pipe material for your home. Factors such as durability, cost, water quality, and local building codes will be considered during this selection process.
  3. Preparation: Before the repiping work begins, your plumber will prepare your home by shutting off the water supply, removing fixtures, and accessing the existing pipes. They may need to open walls or ceilings to gain access to the plumbing system, depending on the layout of your home.
  4. Installation: With preparations complete, the installation of the new pipes can commence. Your plumber will carefully remove the old, deteriorated pipes and replace them with the new ones. They will ensure proper sizing, alignment, and connection of the pipes to ensure a reliable plumbing system.
  5. Testing: Once the new pipes are installed, your plumber will conduct thorough testing to ensure that the plumbing system is functioning correctly. They will check for leaks, verify water pressure, and address any issues that arise during testing. This final step ensures that your new plumbing system meets the highest standards of quality and reliability.

Final Thoughts

Repiping your home is a significant investment in the long-term health and functionality of your plumbing system. By recognizing the signs that indicate it’s time to repipe, understanding the various factors that can influence the frequency of repiping, and knowing what to expect during the repiping process, you can make informed decisions to protect your home and ensure the reliability of your plumbing system for years to come.

When it comes to repiping projects, it’s essential to trust the expertise of a reputable plumbing company like Rootin Tootin Rooter. With their experience, knowledge, and dedication to quality service, they can guide you through the repiping process and ensure that your home’s plumbing system meets the highest standards of performance and reliability. Don’t wait until plumbing problems escalate—consider repiping your home today to safeguard your investment and enjoy peace of mind knowing that your plumbing system is in good hands.


How do I know if my home needs repiping?

Look out for signs such as frequent leaks, low water pressure, discolored water, or strange noises coming from your pipes. If you’re experiencing any of these issues, it’s advisable to consult with a professional plumber to assess the condition of your plumbing system.

How long does a repiping project typically take?

The duration of a repiping project can vary depending on factors such as the size of your home, the extent of the plumbing system, and the complexity of the installation. On average, repiping projects can take anywhere from a few days to a couple of weeks to complete.

What are the benefits of repiping my home?

Repiping your home can provide several benefits, including improved water quality, increased water pressure, reduced risk of leaks and water damage, and enhanced overall reliability of your plumbing system. It also allows you to upgrade to more durable and modern piping materials, potentially increasing the value of your home.

Is repiping expensive?

The cost of repiping your home can vary depending on factors such as the size of your home, the type of piping materials used, and the extent of the work required. While repiping is an investment, it’s essential to consider the long-term benefits and potential cost savings from avoiding frequent repairs and water damage associated with old or deteriorating pipes. Consulting with a professional plumber can help you assess the cost and benefits of repiping for your specific situation.

What Size Water Heater Do I Need?

  • When choosing a water heater, you must consider the size of your household and how much water you use daily.
  • If your water heater is too small, you’ll run out of water fast too big, and you’re paying for water you don’t use.
  • Consider energy efficiency, fuel type, installation space, and future water usage changes to select the most suitable water heater model.
  • Calculate your peak hour water use and consult a professional to get a properly sized water heater.

When you’re in the market for a new water heater, one of the first questions that pops up is, “What size water heater do I need?” It’s an excellent question to ask, especially considering that the average American household uses about 64 gallons of water per day. Picking the right size of water heater ensures every member has enough hot water for their daily shower.

It also means the water heater works efficiently and doesn’t drive up your utility bill. In this article, we’ll tell you how to find the perfect-sized water heater. Whether you live alone or have a family that seems to double when it’s bath time, getting this right can mean the difference between “just enough” and “just right.”

What to Consider When Looking At Water Heater Sizes

When you’re picking the right size for your water heater, the size of your household and how much water you use regularly should be at the top of your list. The number of people living in your house can significantly impact the size of the water heater you’ll need. If you live by yourself or with one other person, your daily water usage will be much less than a family of four or more.

In that case, you can get away with a smaller tank, saving you money not just on the initial purchase but your energy bills as well. Larger households will need a bigger tank to ensure everyone can take a hot shower without the last person getting a cold surprise.

You have to think about your family’s daily water habits as well. Using the dishwasher and doing laundry daily can be demanding for your water heater, so factor them into your decision. A bit of math is involved, but don’t let that scare you.

The average shower uses about 2 gallons of water per minute, and a load of laundry can use up to 30 gallons. So, if you’re all taking long showers and doing laundry on the same day, you’ll need a water heater that can keep up. A good estimate is around 10-15 gallons of hot water per person daily.

Peak Hour Demand

Peak hour is the busiest time in your household when the demand for hot water hits its highest point. Think about those bustling mornings when showers are in full swing, dishes are being washed, and perhaps a load of laundry is going through. You must calculate your peak hour demand to ensure your hot water doesn’t run when you need it most.

You start by identifying the hour your home uses the most hot water during the day. Then, tally up the amount of hot water (in gallons) used during this hour. This includes everything from showers and baths to dishwasher and washing machine use. The Department of Energy has a handy worksheet that can help you calculate your water consumption during peak hours.

Additional Considerations

The gallons of water you use daily is a good starting point, but it doesn’t paint the whole picture. You’ve got to look beyond the capacity and consider a few more angles to ensure you’re picking the right model for your home. Some other things you must consider include:

  • Energy Efficiency Ratings. You might think any model will do, but you must keep in mind that a more efficient water heater will cost you less to run it. These ratings, often found on an Energy Guide label, can help you compare the efficiency of different models.
  • Fuel Type. Your options aren’t just limited to gas or electricity. There are also solar, propane, and even geothermal. Electric models might be more common and easier to install, but gas heaters can be cheaper, depending on your local utility costs. While a solar-powered heater is the most eco-friendly and cost-effective in the long run, it comes with installation challenges and upfront costs.
  • Available Space. Some models, especially tankless ones, might need special accommodations or modifications to your home’s current setup. Installation requirements can vary significantly between models, so make sure you’ve got the space sorted out before you make your final decision.
  • Future Changes in Water Usage. If you’re planning on growing your family or if there’s a chance elderly parents will move in with you, these changes can significantly increase your hot water needs. Anticipating these shifts now can prevent you from ending up with a water heater that’s too small in a few years, forcing you to replace it sooner than you’d like.

Professional Installation and Consultation

A professional installer ensures that your water heater fits perfectly with your home’s plumbing system, avoiding any unnecessary problems in the future. More importantly, they can give you a tailored recommendation that matches your household’s specific water usage needs.

Whether you have a big family that uses lots of hot water in the morning or you’re living solo and looking to save on energy bills, a professional can assess your situation and suggest the ideal size. That means you won’t end up overspending on a giant unit you don’t need or getting stuck with a model that falls short.

Finding the Right Size Water Heater in Tucson, AZ

Getting the answer to “What size water heater do I need?” ensures you have enough hot water for your daily needs without wasting energy or money. A heater too small will leave you shivering in the shower, while one that’s too large can unnecessarily inflate your utility bills. 

If you want to find a water heater that’s just right for you, don’t hesitate to contact the professionals at Rootin Tootin Rooter in Tucson, Arizona. We’re a locally owned and run business with over 40 years of experience. We’re available round the clock, so give us a call any time, and never suffer through a cold shower again.


What Happens If My Water Heater Is Too Small?

If your water heater is too small, you’ll frequently run out of hot water, especially during peak usage times. This can lead to discomfort during showers or when using appliances, forcing you to wait for water to reheat, disrupting your daily routine, and causing inconvenience.

Can a Water Heater Be Too Large?

A water heater that’s too large for your needs can lead to inefficiencies and increased costs. Large tanks waste energy by heating more water than necessary, which drives up utility bills. They also take up more space and can have a shorter lifespan due to cycling on and off more frequently.

How Often Should I Reevaluate My Water Heater Size?

You should reevaluate your water heater size every time there’s a significant change in your household or habits, such as adding family members or increasing water usage. Assessing your water heater’s adequacy every 3-5 years or after big lifestyle changes ensures it meets your current needs.

Why does my sink keep clogging?

TL;DR:  Sink clogs happen due to various materials like hair, soap scum, and food debris. Prevent them with strainers, proper disposal, and regular cleaning. Minor clogs can often be DIY-cleared with methods like plunging and natural remedies, but professional help is advisable for persistent or deep-seated clogs. Rootin Tootin Rooter offers expert assistance.

Few household nuisances are as frustrating as a sink that keeps clogging. Whether it’s the bathroom sink, kitchen sink, or utility sink, dealing with persistent clogs can disrupt your daily routine and lead to plumbing headaches. In this blog post, we’ll dive into the world of sink clogs, shedding light on the common causes behind these stubborn blockages. We’ll also explore practical tips for preventing sink clogs, offer do-it-yourself solutions for minor issues, and provide valuable insights to keep your sink clog-free. Plus, if you ever find yourself facing a stubborn sink clog, remember that Rootin Tootin Rooter is here to provide professional assistance and solutions.

Common Causes of Sink Clogs: Understanding the Culprits

Sink clogs can be a persistent nuisance, but understanding the common culprits behind them can help you take proactive steps to prevent clogs from occurring in the first place. Here’s a more in-depth look at the various factors that contribute to sink clogs:

  1. Hair and Soap Scum: Bathroom sinks are particularly prone to clogs caused by a buildup of hair and soap scum. As you wash your hands or face, hair can gradually accumulate in the drain, trapping soap residue and other debris. Over time, this mixture congeals and forms a stubborn clog. The slow drainage and gurgling sounds that result are telltale signs of this common bathroom sink issue.
  2. Food Debris and Grease: In the kitchen, food debris, grease, and cooking oils are frequent culprits behind sink clogs. Despite best efforts to scrape dishes clean before washing them, small particles can still find their way into the drain. When grease and cooking oil are washed down the sink, they may flow freely while hot but can solidify as they cool further along the pipes. Over time, these solidified deposits can create a stubborn blockage that impedes water flow.
  3. Foreign Objects: Accidental disposal of foreign objects down the sink drain is another common cause of clogs. Items such as jewelry, small toys, bottle caps, or even toothpaste caps can easily slip into the drain unnoticed. Once lodged within the pipes, these foreign objects can obstruct the flow of water and trap other debris, exacerbating the clog.
  4. Mineral Buildup: In regions with hard water, mineral buildup can be a significant contributor to sink clogs. Hard water contains high levels of minerals like calcium and magnesium. Over time, these minerals can accumulate on the interior of pipes, narrowing the passage through which water can flow. As the buildup continues, it can restrict water flow to the point of causing a noticeable clog.
  5. Improper Disposal: Flushing non-flushable items down the sink is a common mistake that leads to clogs. Items like wet wipes, cotton balls, dental floss, and feminine hygiene products do not disintegrate in water as toilet paper does. Instead, they can become entangled with other debris and create blockages within the pipes.

Preventing Sink Clogs: Tips for Homeowners

Preventing sink clogs is not only about maintaining the smooth operation of your plumbing system but also about avoiding the hassle and potential costs associated with clearing clogs. Here are some practical tips for homeowners to help prevent sink clogs:

  1. Use Sink Strainers: Install sink strainers or drain covers in all your sinks. These simple devices are designed to catch debris such as hair, food particles, and foreign objects before they enter the drainpipe. Regularly empty and clean the strainers to ensure they remain effective.
  2. Dispose of Grease Properly: Avoid pouring grease, cooking oil, or fats down the sink. These substances may flow easily when hot, but they can congeal and solidify within the pipes as they cool down. Instead, let them cool and solidify in a container, then dispose of them in the trash.
  3. Scrape Dishes and Cookware: Before washing dishes or cookware in the kitchen sink, make an effort to scrape off excess food particles into the trash. This reduces the amount of food debris that can potentially go down the drain.
  4. Rinse with Hot Water: After using the kitchen sink, run hot water down the drain for a few minutes. This can help flush away any residual grease or soap scum that may have entered the pipes.
  5. Regularly Clean Drains: Periodically clean your sink drains using natural remedies. For example, you can pour a mixture of baking soda and vinegar down the drain, followed by boiling water. This can help break down soap scum, mineral deposits, and minor clogs.
  6. Educate Family Members: Ensure that everyone in your household is aware of what can and cannot go down the sink drain. Teach family members not to dispose of non-flushable items like wet wipes, cotton balls, or dental floss down the sink.
  7. Schedule Routine Plumbing Inspections: Consider scheduling regular plumbing inspections with professionals like Rootin Tootin Rooter. Plumbing experts can perform preventive maintenance, inspect your pipes for potential issues, and provide guidance on keeping your plumbing system in optimal condition.
  8. Monitor Water Pressure: Keep an eye on your sink’s water pressure. A sudden decrease in water pressure can indicate a clog or other plumbing issue. Addressing it promptly can prevent more severe clogs from developing.
  9. Avoid Overloading Garbage Disposals: If your kitchen sink has a garbage disposal, avoid overloading it with large amounts of food scraps at once. Gradually feed small portions into the disposal while running cold water to help flush debris away.

By incorporating these preventive measures into your household routine, you can significantly reduce the likelihood of sink clogs and maintain smooth and efficient drainage in your sinks. Additionally, if you ever encounter a stubborn clog that DIY methods cannot resolve, don’t hesitate to contact the professionals at Rootin Tootin Rooter for expert assistance in keeping your plumbing system clog-free.

DIY Solutions for Minor Clogs: Unclogging Your Sink

Encountering a minor sink clog can be frustrating, but often, you can resolve the issue with simple do-it-yourself (DIY) solutions. Here are some effective methods for unclogging your sink when the blockage is relatively minor:

  1. Plunger Method:
    • A plunger is a versatile tool that can help clear minor sink clogs. For a sink plunger to work effectively, ensure that there’s enough water in the sink to cover the rubber cup of the plunger. Seal the overflow drain (if your sink has one) with a wet cloth or a stopper.
    • Place the plunger cup over the drain and create a tight seal by pressing down firmly. Push and pull the plunger vigorously several times to create suction. This action can dislodge the clog and force it down the drain.
  2. Baking Soda and Vinegar:
    • Baking soda and vinegar can create a natural and safe chemical reaction that helps break down minor clogs and deodorize your drain. Start by pouring a pot of boiling water down the sink to soften the clog.
    • Next, pour about half a cup of baking soda into the drain, followed by an equal amount of vinegar. Cover the drain with a cloth or stopper to contain the fizzing reaction. Allow it to work for about 15 minutes.
    • Finally, flush the drain with hot water to wash away the dissolved clog and residue. Repeat this process if necessary.
  3. Boiling Water:
    • For minor clogs caused by grease or soap scum, boiling water can be remarkably effective. Simply heat a pot of water to boiling and carefully pour it directly down the drain.
    • The hot water can melt and dislodge the grease or soap buildup, allowing it to flow down the pipes. This method is especially useful for bathroom sinks.
  4. Manual Removal:
    • If you can see the clog near the surface of the drain, you may be able to manually remove it. Use a pair of needle-nose pliers, tweezers, or a bent wire hanger to reach into the drain carefully and extract the debris.
    • Be gentle to avoid pushing the clog deeper into the pipe. Once removed, flush the drain with hot water to ensure the remaining debris is cleared.

It’s important to note that these DIY methods are most effective for minor clogs that are near the surface of the drain. If you encounter a persistent or recurring clog, or if these methods do not resolve the issue, it may indicate a more significant problem deeper within your plumbing system.

Final Thoughts

Dealing with a sink that keeps clogging can be a hassle, but with the right knowledge and preventive measures, you can maintain smooth and clog-free drains. If you ever encounter a stubborn or recurring sink clog that DIY methods cannot resolve, don’t hesitate to contact the professionals at Rootin Tootin Rooter. Our experienced team is here to assist you in keeping your sinks flowing freely and your plumbing system in top condition.


What causes sink clogs in the first place?

Sink clogs typically occur due to a buildup of various materials such as hair, soap scum, food debris, grease, foreign objects, and mineral deposits within the drainpipes. These materials can restrict or block the flow of water, leading to clogs.

How can I prevent sink clogs from happening in my home?

Preventing sink clogs involves using sink strainers, disposing of grease and food properly, regular cleaning, educating family members about what should not be put down the drain, scheduling plumbing inspections, and avoiding overloading garbage disposals, among other measures.

Are chemical drain cleaners safe and effective for clearing sink clogs?

While chemical drain cleaners can provide temporary relief for minor clogs, they are not recommended for regular use. They can be harmful to your plumbing pipes and the environment. Additionally, they may not effectively clear stubborn or deep-seated clogs. Mechanical methods like plunging or using natural remedies are often safer and more effective.

When should I seek professional help for a sink clog?

If you’ve tried DIY methods and the clog persists, or if you notice recurring sink clogs, it may indicate a more significant issue within your plumbing system. It’s advisable to seek professional plumbing assistance in such cases. Professional plumbers can assess the situation, identify the root cause, and provide effective solutions to clear the clog and prevent future occurrences. Rootin Tootin Rooter offers expert plumbing services for addressing sink clogs and related issues.