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Expert Talk: How Professional Drain Snaking Saves the Day

TL;DR: Professional drain snaking is a reliable method for clearing stubborn clogs in sinks, showers, and toilets. It utilizes a flexible metal cable and auger to break apart and remove debris, restoring optimal water flow. The process involves a methodical approach, including initial assessment, tool selection, clog removal, and post-operation cleanup. While manual drain snakes are suitable for minor clogs, motorized versions are more effective for severe blockages or main sewer lines. Seek professional help for severe, recurring, or multiple clogs, foul odors, or sewage backups. Rootin Tootin Rooter and Plumbing in Tucson, Arizona, offers trusted professional services for all drain issues.


A clogged drain is more than just a nuisance – it is a huge inconvenience, potentially affecting our daily routines and causing frustration. These issues, usually in the form of slow-draining sinks or backed-up toilets, can quickly escalate into plumbing emergencies if left unaddressed. 

In this context, discovering a reliable solution is crucial. Enter professional drain snaking, a method trusted by experts to address and resolve these challenging issues effectively. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the proven methods and benefits of professional drain snaking, highlighting how it can effectively clear clogs and restore proper water flow. 

If you want to know how professional drain snaking saves the day from unsettling slow drainage let’s explore the vital role of the professional, highlighting how they stand as a beacon of relief for those plagued by persistent drain blockages. 

What Exactly is Drain Snaking?

Clogs are a common issue in sinks, showers, and toilets. They are typically caused by buildups of hair, food remnants, used grease, and other debris accumulating in pipes over time. A clog essentially prevents water from freely flowing through the pipes, resulting in longer drainage time or, in worst cases, a complete blockage. 

Professional drain snaking is a method specifically designed to dislodge and remove these stubborn clogs, restoring the optimal functioning of our plumbing systems. The procedure employs a highly effective technique that utilizes a flexible metal cable known as a drain snake. 

This tool is custom-designed to easily traverse the rollercoaster of your plumbing system, reaching deep into the pipes to break down blockages. At the tip of the drain snake is a specialized auger, which helps to dislodge and remove the clogs, allowing water to flow freely again. While it might sound straightforward, the technique requires a certain level of finesse to avoid damaging the pipes.


Unlike store-bought drain snakes, professional plumbers have access to advanced equipment and expertise, ensuring comprehensive results and minimizing the risk of damage to your pipes. That’s why, although you can find manual drain snakes at most hardware stores, calling in professionals equipped with motorized versions and camera technology for precise navigation and removal is often the safer bet.

How Professional Drain Snaking Saves the Day: Steps To Unclogging

The professional process of drain snaking is methodical and designed to resolve clogs efficiently. This structured approach ensures that clogs are not just temporarily alleviated but thoroughly addressed, restoring full functionality to your plumbing system with minimal disruption to your daily life.


Here’s a concise step-by-step breakdown:

  1. Initial Assessment: This may include questioning the homeowner about the nature of the issue, any attempts at resolution, and the history of the plumbing system. Professionals might also inspect the affected area to gauge the severity of the clog.
  2. Preparation and Safety: Before starting, the area around the drain is prepared to ensure cleanliness and to avoid any damage. The professional will also don the necessary safety gear, such as gloves and goggles, to protect against potential hazards like debris or chemicals.
  3. Choosing the Right Tools: Based on the initial assessment, the plumber selects the appropriate type of snake—manual or motorized. The choice depends on the clog’s location, severity, and the type of drain.
  4. Insertion of the Snake: The snake is carefully inserted into the drain. If using a motorized snake, the device is turned on, and the cable is fed into the pipe. For manual snakes, you have to constantly turn a handle to push the snake deeper into the drain.
  5. Navigating the Clog: Once the snake reaches the clog, the plumber uses the tool to either break apart the debris or hook it onto it for extraction. This step might require several adjustments in technique, such as changing the rotation speed or direction.
  6. Removing the Clog: After breaking up the clog or hooking it, the debris is either pulled out of the drain or flushed further down the line where it can disperse safely into the sewage system.
  7. Cleaning and Retracting the Snake: Once the clog is cleared, the snake is carefully withdrawn from the drain. It is cleaned off as it is retracted to prevent any mess.
  8. Final Testing: To ensure the clog is completely cleared, the drain is tested by running water through it. The flow of water is observed for any signs of lingering blockage. This might include filling the sink or tub and watching the drainage speed.
  9. Post-Operation Cleanup: After confirming the drain is clear, any mess made during the process is cleaned up, ensuring the work area is left tidy.
  10. Review and Recommendations: Finally, the professional may offer advice on preventing future clogs, such as regular maintenance tips or suggestions for minor adjustments in household habits related to plumbing use.

Tailored Solutions for Different Drain Types

Drains come in all kinds of shapes and sizes, and clogs can form in any of them. Experts’ approach to drain snaking involves the use of versatile techniques that can be further customized to all drain types with kitchen sinks, shower drains, and toilets the usual culprits. 

Selecting the appropriate auger size and technique for a specific problem is where the plumbers’ experience and knowledge ensure efficient and damage-free clog removal. This tailored approach addresses the specific needs of each drain.

While DIY solutions and store-bought drain snakes may seem like a more convenient choice, they are often far from enough to deal with a deep-rooted drain problem. In the realm of drain clearing, both manual and motorized drain snakes have their place, each tailored to specific types of jobs. 


Let’s delve into what sets them apart and when you might choose one over the other.


  • Manual Drain Snakes: These are the more traditional tools in the plumber’s arsenal, requiring physical effort to operate. Typically, they’re best suited for minor clogs close to the drain’s surface, such as in bathroom sinks, bathtubs, or kitchen sinks. Since it’s hand-operated, it allows for delicate handling to avoid potential damage to the pipes.
  • Motorized Drain Snakes: These snakes pack more punch. They have an electric motor that turns the cable and head, making them ideal for more stubborn clogs or those located further down the line. They’re especially handy in situations involving main sewer lines where the blockage is not only deeper but may also be more complex, such as tree root invasion or heavy accumulation of debris.

When to Seek Professional Drain Snaking Services

Navigating plumbing issues can be daunting, and while some clogs are manageable with DIY methods, certain situations call for professional expertise. Here’s when reaching out to a professional becomes not just a choice but a necessity:


  • Severe Clogs: If you’re facing a clog that resists standard home remedies like plunging or over-the-counter drain cleaners, it’s a sign the blockage is too severe for amateur efforts. 
  • Recurring Clogs: A clog that keeps coming back is a red flag signaling a deeper issue within your plumbing system. Recurrent blockages could indicate problems like deep-seated obstructions, pipe scaling, or improper pipe installation.
  • Multiple Clogged Drains: In instances where you have more than one clogged drain, it suggests a problem with the main sewer line rather than individual drain lines. This situation is beyond the scope of household fixes and requires the intervention of a professional plumber.
  • Foul Odors: If there are unpleasant odors emanating from the drains in your home that don’t seem to resolve, it could indicate the presence of decaying organic matter within your pipes or, worse, a sewer line breach. 
  • Sewage Backups: Perhaps the most critical sign that professional help is needed is the occurrence of sewage backups in your home. This is not only a plumbing emergency but also a health hazard, signaling a severe blockage or failure in the sewer line. 


Professional drain snaking is a proven method for clearing clogs and restoring proper water flow. It offers tailored solutions for different drain types, precision in clog removal, and additional benefits such as thorough pipe cleaning and prevention of plumbing emergencies. 

By relying on professional expertise and eco-friendly alternatives, you can maintain clear and functional drains while minimizing the risk of damage to your pipes. Regular maintenance and timely intervention from professionals will ensure that your drains remain clog-free and your plumbing system smooth-running. 


Now that you know how professional drain snaking saves the day, don’t let clogs get so far and disrupt your daily routine. Turn to a trusted professional service such as Rootin Tootin Rooter and Plumbing in Tucson, Arizona, to help you deal with all your drain woes! 


Is Your Dripping Faucet Driving You Crazy? Here’s How to Repair It

TL;DR: Don’t let a dripping faucet ruin your day! Our DIY guide helps you fix it easily, saving money and preventing water damage. Learn to identify your faucet type, gather the right tools, and shut off the water supply. We walk you through step-by-step disassembly, inspection, and replacement of faulty parts like O-rings and cartridges. Reassemble carefully, test for leaks, and if needed, call the pros at Rootin Tootin Rooter for expert help.


Is your dripping faucet driving you crazy? Fixing it can seem like a big task, but turning your plumbing nightmare into a DIY success is within reach with the right guide. You can stop the annoying drip, save money on bills, and avoid water damage to your home. 

Consider the impact of repairing a leaky faucet: Simply turning off the tap while brushing our teeth can save  3,000 gallons of water annually. This is why we wish to ensure you confidently tackle this common home improvement task. 

Our guide contains information on identifying the type of kitchen faucet you have and explains the detailed disassembly and inspection of parts. Here’s how to repair it in detail.

Identifying the Type of Faucet

The first step is identifying the type of faucet you have. Each faucet type, be it ball, cartridge, ceramic disk, or compression, has its unique mechanism and parts that could be the source of leaks. Recognizing the type of faucet streamlines the repair process and ensures you’re looking in the right places for potential issues.

Start by inspecting the faucet for any visible logos or brand names. Grime can often obscure these, so a thorough cleaning might reveal hidden identifiers. If the brand isn’t immediately visible, shining a flashlight on the faucet or checking under the sink for labels on the supply lines can provide clues. 

Tools and Materials Needed

Preparing to repair a leaky faucet involves collecting the necessary tools and materials to guarantee an efficient fix.

Essential Tools:

  • Adjustable wrench
  • Flathead and Phillips-head screwdrivers
  • Hex key or Allen wrench
  • Needle-nose pliers
  • Slip joint pliers

Specialized Tools for specific tasks:

  • Faucet Reseating Tool
  • Stem & Cartridge Wrench
  • 4-in-1 Faucet Seat Puller
  • Telescoping Basin Wrench

Materials for Replacement and Maintenance:

  • Replacement O-rings and washers
  • New cartridge or stem
  • Faucet repair kit
  • Silicone faucet grease
  • Plumbers tape

The O-ring and washer are typically the main sources of leaks in faucets. Having a faucet repair kit on hand does come in handy as it includes assorted stem washers, screws, and O-ring seals, covering most repair needs. 

Turning Off the Water Supply

Shutting off the water supply is a must-do step in repairing a leaky faucet. This guarantees a secure and moisture-free fixing procedure. Locate the shut-off valves. These are typically found under the sink, whether in the kitchen or bathroom. You’ll find two valves, one for hot water (often marked with red) and one for cold water (usually marked with blue or white).

Rotate both valves clockwise to stop the water supply to the faucet. If these are missing or not working, turn off the main water supply to your home. This valve is typically located where the municipal water line enters your property or close to the water meter.

Preparation for Repair

If shutting off the main water supply is necessary, turn on a faucet at the lowest level of your home to empty any residual water from the pipes. If the main supply is off, prevent any potential damage by shutting off the water heater.

Position a bucket beneath the sink to collect leftover water, keeping your work area dry and secure. This simple step can prevent water from spilling over onto your cabinet floor.

Disassembling the Faucet

Disassembling your faucet might seem like a task reserved for professionals, but with the right approach, you can do it on your own. Here’s how to tackle it step by step.

Handle and Cartridge Removal

Begin by removing the cap on top of the faucet handle, which is often concealed but can be pried open with a flathead screwdriver.

Inside, you’ll find a Phillips head screw securing the handle. Hold the handle firmly and unscrew it to avoid any damage. Raise the handle upwards to detach it, revealing the cartridge or stem below. Capture a photo of the assembly to use as a guide when reassembling.

Faucet Body Disassembly

Disconnect the hot and cold water supply lines with an adjustable wrench. If they’re tight, applying penetrating oil can ease the removal process.

Next, tackle the mounting nuts or screws with a basin wrench. If they resist, a combination of penetrating oil, gentle tapping with a hammer, or applying heat may loosen them.

Gently pull the faucet body straight up. If it sticks, a plastic putty knife can help pry it loose without damaging the sink surface. Laying out the parts in order as you remove them simplifies reassembly. 

Inspecting and Replacing Faulty Parts

Upon disassembling your faucet, closely inspect each component for signs of wear or damage. This helps in diagnosing the exact cause of the leak. Key parts to check include O-rings, washers, cartridges, and the faucet’s aerator. 

O-rings and Washers

These are often the culprits behind leaks. Look for any signs of brittleness, cracks, or obvious wear. If they seem damaged, substitute them with new ones corresponding in size and shape. A dripping faucet can often be attributed to a deteriorated O-ring or washer.

Cartridges and Valves

If the faucet uses a cartridge system, pull out the old cartridge and examine it for signs of mineral buildup or damage. Match the old cartridge’s size and shape, or note the faucet’s manufacturer and model number to find a suitable replacement. Cleaning with distilled white vinegar can help remove mineral deposits for valve issues. 

Faucet Aerator and Sprayer

Low water pressure or irregular spray patterns can indicate sediment buildup or damage. Detach the aerator or sprayer nozzle and check for any debris or signs of damage. Cleaning with vinegar or replacing the aerator can often resolve these issues.

If your faucet still leaks after these replacements, it may indicate more complex issues, such as loose parts, broken plumbing, or severe corrosion in the valve seat. Consulting a professional plumber might be the best course of action in such cases.

Reassembling the Faucet and Testing

After you’ve replaced or repaired the necessary components, reassembling your faucet is the next crucial step. Begin by carefully placing each part back in its original position, reversing the order you followed during disassembly. 

Ensuring that every component fits snugly and aligns correctly is vital to avoid any misplacement that could lead to leaks.

Once the faucet is reassembled, gently turn on the water supply. It’s wise to do this gradually, allowing the system to pressurize slowly. Let the water run for a few minutes without initially attaching the aerator. 

Key Takeaways: Repair Your Dripping Faucet

This guide carefully examines the process, from identifying the type of dripping faucet driving you crazy to the final touches of reassembling and testing for leaks. It aims to empower you with the knowledge and confidence to tackle a common yet troublesome household issue. Should you encounter a plumbing challenge that feels beyond your reach, don’t hesitate to seek professional assistance. 

The expertise of seasoned professionals at Rootin Tootin Rooter can provide peace of mind and guarantee a solution that stands the test of time. Licensed, bonded and insured, we fix your problem the first time around.  Contact us today and get a free service quote!

Common Causes Of Plumbing Leaks And How To Prevent Them

The sound of a dripping faucet is more than just an annoyance- it can cost you money and stress. Plumbing leaks are an all too common problem, but luckily there are ways to prevent them from occurring in the first place. In this article, we’ll take a look at some of the most common causes of plumbing leaks, as well as how to prevent them from occurring.

From leaky pipes to faulty faucets, plumbing issues can cause serious damage to your home if they’re not taken care of quickly. What’s worse is that many homes suffer from multiple sources of water leakage, making it even more important to properly identify and address the issue before it gets out of hand. Fortunately, there are some simple steps you can take to reduce your chances of having these problems occur in the first place.

By understanding what causes plumbing leaks and taking proactive measures to prevent them, you can save yourself time and money while ensuring that your home remains safe and dry. Read on to learn more about common causes of plumbing leaks and how you can prevent them in your home!

Definition Of Plumbing Leak

Plumbing leaks are a major issue for homeowners. They can cause costly damage to property and require expensive repairs. But what exactly is a plumbing leak? A plumbing leak is an unintended outflow of water from a pipe, valve, or fixture in your home’s plumbing system. It’s often caused by faulty installation or wear and tear over time.

When you think of plumbing leaks, you probably think of dripping faucets or running toilets, but there are other causes as well. For example, a crack in the main water line leading into your house can also cause a significant amount of water to escape without you knowing it until it’s too late. Other common culprits include loose fittings and connections on pipes, valves, and fixtures that have been improperly installed or are beginning to corrode over time.

The best way to prevent plumbing leaks is to be proactive about inspecting your home’s pipes and fixtures regularly for signs of damage or deterioration. This includes checking for any corrosion around joints, corroded fittings, loose connections, cracks in the pipes themselves, and slow leaks from valves or fixtures. Repairing these issues promptly can save you from dealing with serious water damage down the line!

Sources Of Leaks In A Home

Leaking plumbing can be caused by a variety of sources inside and outside the home. Knowing the possible causes, and how to prevent them, is key in protecting your property from water damage.

Inside the home, leaks typically occur in pipes leading to or from appliances such as dishwashers, washing machines, toilets and sinks. The most common cause of these leaks is worn out rubber washers or seals which connect the appliance to its pipes. To prevent this type of leak, these seals must be regularly checked for signs of wear and tear and replaced if necessary. Additionally, homeowners should avoid over-tightening connections on fixtures or appliances as this can also lead to leaks.

Outside the home, plumbing leaks usually originate from corroded joints or broken pipe connections that run underground or through walls. Preventing these types of leaks requires regular inspection for signs of corrosion or damage. It’s important to remember that even small holes can become bigger over time due to pressure from water running through the pipes. Homeowners should also make sure that all outdoor spigots are insulated before cold weather sets in; this will help reduce the risk of frozen pipes which can burst and cause major water damage.

Regular maintenance is essential for preventing plumbing leaks both inside and outside your home. Checking seals on appliances as well as inspecting pipes for corrosion will go a long way towards keeping your property safe and dry.

Impact Of Improper Plumbing Installation

The improper installation of plumbing fixtures and pipes can lead to a variety of leaks in the home. These leaks can cause significant water damage, which can be expensive to repair. Improper installation can also affect the performance of the plumbing system overall. Here are three primary ways that improper plumbing installation can lead to water damage and other issues:

  1. Leaking Seals: Improperly installed seals around faucets, showers, and toilets can allow moisture to get past them and leak into walls or floors.


  1. Poor Connections: If fittings aren’t properly fitted together, they may not be sealed correctly, leading to leaks in the connections between pipes.


  1. Blocked Drains: Poorly connected drainpipes can cause clogging and backups, resulting in flooded bathrooms or kitchens.

It’s important for homeowners to ensure that plumbers are properly trained and certified before hiring them for any plumbing jobs. Hiring an experienced plumber will help prevent costly repairs down the road due to poor installations. Additionally, regular maintenance should be done on all plumbing fixtures and pipes to ensure proper function and avoid potential leaking issues caused by improper installation

Corrosion And Deterioration

Corrosion and deterioration can cause plumbing leaks that can be hard to detect. Rust and mineral buildup can corrode the interior of pipes, leading to cracks and holes. Old, worn-out pipes are particularly susceptible to corrosion, as they lack the resilience of newer pipes. Deterioration is another major cause of plumbing leaks. Over time, water pressure and temperature fluctuations put stress on the pipes, causing them to weaken and eventually burst.

Preventing corrosion and deterioration is essential for avoiding plumbing leaks. Regularly inspect your pipes for signs of rust or mineral buildup, and replace any that show signs of wear or damage. If possible, use pipe insulation when installing new plumbing to reduce temperature fluctuations in the system. Additionally, avoid using corrosive chemicals like bleach in drains as these can further damage old pipes. Finally, ensure proper water pressure for your system by using a pressure regulator if necessary. Taking these precautions will go a long way toward preventing plumbing leaks caused by corrosion and deterioration.

Aging Pipes And Fixtures

Aging pipes and fixtures are one of the most common causes of plumbing leaks. As time goes on, the material used to make the pipes and fixtures may weaken, resulting in cracks or other damage. This can cause water to leak out of the system, leading to costly repairs or replacements. To prevent this from happening, homeowners should be sure to regularly inspect their pipes and fixtures for signs of wear and tear. Also, if possible, they should consider replacing any aging pipes or fixtures with more modern versions that are made from more resilient materials.

Signs that a pipe or fixture may need replacing include visible rust, discoloration, flaking paint, bulging or sagging sections, and an overall lack of structural integrity. If these signs are present, it’s best to get them replaced as soon as possible so that further damage is not caused. Additionally, it’s important to routinely inspect the entire plumbing system for any signs of corrosion or other issues.

In order to keep plumbing systems functioning properly for years to come and avoid costly repairs down the line due to aging pipes and fixtures, homeowners should regularly inspect their systems for signs of wear and tear and replace any aged components before they cause further problems.

Vibrations From Appliances

Vibrations from appliances, such as washing machines and dishwashers, can cause plumbing leaks. They can create a back and forth motion in the pipes that can loosen joints and connections over time. Additionally, vibrations from nearby construction or heavy traffic can also contribute to plumbing leaks. To prevent these vibrations from causing plumbing leaks, it’s important to take some proactive steps.

First, make sure that all of your appliances are properly secured to the wall with bolts or straps. This will help reduce any movement within the pipes when the appliance is running. Second, ensure that the pipe connections are tight and secure before installing an appliance. If you notice any loose fittings at any point during installation, tighten them up immediately to avoid potential problems later on. Finally, if you live near a construction site or busy roadway, identify ways to reduce the vibration from those sources — for instance, by installing soundproofing materials around your home’s plumbing system. Taking these steps will help protect your pipes against unnecessary wear and tear caused by vibrations.

Water Pressure Issues

Water pressure issues are one of the most common causes of plumbing leaks. High pressure can cause pipe fittings to loosen and lead to water seepage or even bursting of pipes. Low pressure, on the other hand, can result in reduced water flow or insufficient flushing power in toilets. To prevent these problems, homeowners should regularly check their water pressure and make sure it’s within the recommended range.

If you have an older home, installing a pressure-reducing valve (PRV) is recommended as high water pressure can cause damage to plumbing fixtures over time. This device regulates incoming water pressure so that it remains constant throughout your home. Additionally, if you notice any changes in your water pressure or hear strange noises coming from your pipes, inspect them for potential damage and call a professional plumber immediately.

Regular maintenance of your plumbing system is essential to ensure its longevity and reduce the likelihood of unexpected leaks or repairs. Checking for corrosion around joints and repairing damaged pipes is important to maintain proper water flow throughout your home; this helps minimize the chance of leaks due to high or low water pressure.

Prevention Strategies

The best way to prevent plumbing leaks is to stay ahead of the game by inspecting and maintaining your plumbing system regularly. Here are five tips for preventing pipes from leaking:

  1. Check fixtures, such as toilets and faucets, for any signs of wear or deterioration. Replace them immediately if you find any damage.


  1. Inspect exposed pipes in areas such as the basement and attic for signs of rust or corrosion. If you see these signs, contact a plumber as soon as possible to have the pipe replaced.


  1. Make sure all connections between pipes are secure and free of debris or dirt buildup that can weaken them over time.


  1. Test your sump pump every six months to ensure it’s working correctly and draining water away from your home properly.


  1. Install water shut-off valves in case of an emergency so you can quickly turn off the water supply to your house if there’s a leak or burst pipe.

By following these steps, you can help prevent plumbing leaks before they occur and avoid costly repairs down the line. Taking care of your plumbing system now will save you money in the long run by ensuring that everything operates efficiently and safely for years to come.

Regular Inspections And Maintenance

Regular inspections and maintenance are key to preventing plumbing leaks. Homeowners should schedule an inspection with a licensed plumber at least once a year. During the inspection, the plumber will look for signs of corrosion or pipe damage, and check for any blockages in the pipes. Here are four tips to keep your plumbing system in top condition:

1) Clean any debris from the gutters and downspouts near your home to prevent water buildup around your foundation.

2) Check all pipes regularly for signs of corrosion or physical damage, such as cracks and holes.

3) Install a backflow valve on the main water line to prevent wastewater from backing up into your home.

4) Have a professional inspect all gas lines on an annual basis to ensure they’re secure and functioning properly.

By taking these simple steps, you can reduce the risk of plumbing leaks in your home and enjoy peace of mind knowing that your system is running smoothly.

Professional Services

When plumbing leaks occur, they can often be difficult to detect and fix. Professional services are available to help diagnose and repair plumbing issues. Plumbers can assess the source of the leak and recommend the best course of action. Depending on the severity of the issue, they may suggest replacing pipes or fixtures, or using specialized tools to patch or seal the leak.

Professional services are also helpful for routine maintenance and prevention of plumbing problems. Regular inspection of your plumbing systems can identify potential problems before they become major issues. Plumbers can inspect pipes and fittings, check water pressure, and look for any signs of wear and tear. They may also suggest upgrades to more efficient fixtures or appliances.

Taking these steps helps avoid costly repairs in the future. Professional services can ensure that your plumbing is running efficiently and safely, helping you save money in both the short-term and long-term.

Common Causes Of Plumbing Leaks And How To Prevent Them

The long-term effects of plumbing leaks can be significant and costly. Taking steps to prevent these problems from occurring is important in order to ensure a safe and healthy home environment. Regular inspections and maintenance, as well as professional services to identify potential issues, are the best ways to combat plumbing leaks before they become major problems.

Think of your plumbing system like an intricate jigsaw puzzle – each piece must fit perfectly for the entire system to work correctly. By taking proactive measures, you can help ensure that your puzzle remains intact and your home stays secure against the damaging effects of plumbing leaks.

By being aware of the common causes of plumbing leaks and how to prevent them, homeowners can take control of their home’s systems and protect their investment for years to come. Taking simple steps such as regular maintenance, inspections, and professional services can often save money and headaches in the long run.

Emergency Plumbing: What to Do with a Leaky Pipe

A leaky pipe is one of the most common plumbing issues people face. However, very few people know the proper way to go about fixing one. Worse, in a plumbing emergency, every second counts, which can make matters even more stressful if you don’t know what you’re doing.

Cummings Plumbing Heating and Cooling, a plumbing and HVAC company based in Tucson, Arizona, provide their expertise on fixing pipes. The company specializes in repairing and installing all types of units, including plumbing, heating, and cooling systems.

Step One: Turn Off the Water Supply Valve 

According to Cummings Plumbing, the very first step in fixing a leaky or burst pipe should be to turn off the water supply valve. Before starting to fix the problem, you first need to ensure that no water is going to spurt out at you, so locating and switching off the supply water valve is a must. If you aren’t sure which water supply valve supplies the water to the specific pipe that is leaking, then it’s best just to shut off the main supply valve for the time being. From there, you can buy yourself some time until a plumber arrives.

Step Two: Clean Up the Mess

Whether you have a minor leak with drops of water slowly seeping out or a sudden burst resulting in a small flood in your kitchen, cleaning up the mess should be the second step in fixing your leaky pipe. Cummings Plumbing Heating and Cooling of Tucson, Arizona, recommends not only cleaning up the bottom of the cabinet where the water might be concentrated, but also the leaky pipe itself and any surrounding fixtures. Further, you’ll want to mop up the floor if any water has spread there and clear out the cabinet and surrounding areas where your plumber will have to work.

Step Three: Assess and Smooth Out the Leaky Pipe

Now that the area is clean, it’s time to prepare your leaky pipe for your temporary patch. Before you patch up a leaky pipe, you must take time to assess and properly prepare the area for the patch. This includes checking to make sure there is no rust, limescale, or rough edges on the surface of the pipe, as well as using sandpaper to smooth out any build up on the pipe. This will not only be good for your pipes in the long term, but it will make your temporary patch more effective and give it a better chance of holding up against water flow, should you need to turn your water back on before a plumber can fix it.

Step Four: Seal the Leak Via a Temporary Patch

The fourth and final step regarding what to do with a leaky pipe is to seal the leak using a temporary patch. If you don’t have time to wait for a plumber and want to take matters into your own hands, Cummings Plumbing of Tucson, Arizona, recommends temporarily sealing the pipes by using plumber’s epoxy, available at most local hardware stores. All you need to do before applying it to your pipe is to mix it according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

Remember to mold the silly putty-like epoxy to fit the gap in your pipe exactly. Then, smooth out the edges and let it dry for however long as the instructions dictate. Applying this seal or patch is a great way to fix the problem temporarily; however, it isn’t a long term solution. While doing the proper research, including reading articles like these, can help you temporarily fix a leaky pipe on your own, it is possible to make things worse if you don’t know what you’re doing. Thus, if you’re ever unsure of your DIY plumbing skills, it is highly recommended that you call a professional.